
423 2 9

OK WTF... in the past I had horrible writing so I didn't think it would get 1k and over views...
I want to thank you for voting and giving me nice comments! I'm not sure why you liked it, it had
horrible writing. However I'm sorry that I left you guys, I was tired back then and didn't feel motivated to make it anymore.
I don't know if I'm remaking it or leaving it alone, but I'm not continuing this one. (Unless you guys give me something that motivates me) Sorry if you liked this book , but I decided to go to another fandom.
As an apology, I will give you a fandoms to choose , stranger things is already a random of my choosing


SINBAD (anime)



RECREATION OF THIS BOOK (motivation? Please?)

please choose the top fandom by liking my comment

Again, I'm really sorry, I know you guys were looking forward to more episodes, hopefully this makes up for it!

Satoru? (rimuru x reader (any gender :D) oldWhere stories live. Discover now