How to play "The game "

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How to play "The game "

Walking home with Noah is such a vibe . We always have something to say . Joking and playing around; people could swear we are a couple.During our walk to his house ,his mood changed as two cars were parked outside his home .

"Go baby girl i will text you soonnnn !" He says as he runs home leaving me having to turn back and walk home . This is now getting weird . I need to ask Noah what's happening . Im his Best friend . I deserve to know . I need to know .

As my theories of Naoh's family life or 'real life ' trial around in my brain my phone beeps ,pulling me out my thoughts .

"Im waiting outside your gate. Please we need to talk . " Some people know how to make your day worse . My lion or should I say My ex-lion to be has sent yet onother massage . The is no need for me to hide from him or his 'talks' . I need closure.

Walking home I could see a figure waiting by the gate . I start taking deep breaths and trying not to look like some girl in distress . When he saw me approaching the gate . He starts adjusting his clothes , which annoys me .

Regardless of that , today is the day I hear of the illicit activities done by my lion .A part of me tells me its not what it seems . The must be a logical explanation .I still have a seed of trust for the one I love (or once loved ) .

"I saw you were not answering my phone or reading my text , that is why I came here . Please give a chance to explain . Please !" he seems sincere and about to break down .
Not wanting to show him my heart's deepest secret .I looked at him straight in the eye and asked "tea or coffee " as I open the gate .

I could sence his smile ."tea the way l like it !" I stopped and turned to look at his , as if ashamed "Please! " he said with a sorry look, as I let him in .

"You better make it quick I have somewhere to be "I say as I serve him tea with biscuits my mom made before going on a business trip .

"Yes " he say as he sips his tea .Lioness, you know I didn't mean to hurt you like that .

"You have lost all the right to call me that . I'm kate to you .KATE do you get it ! Now tell me why did you do this to me ?" I was trying to stay srong but all this is eating from the inside .

He looks at me straight without blinking this is how i know he is about to tell me the truth .
"I love Ellah. " he bluntly says. Those words cut through my heart like a never ending cut. Yet I tried my best to show no emotion .
"It all happened so quick .you introduced me to her as your best friend and one thing lead to another . We didn't want to hurt you that's why we kept it a secret . You are wonderful Kate but Ella is my soul mate . She completes me . You are so understanding I hope you understand ."

"IF YOU LOVED HER WHY DID YOU LEAD ME ON, WHY DID YOU SAY YOU LOVE ME , WHY MAKE ME FEEL LOVED AND WANTED , WHY JAKE , WHY ?" My anger was getting out of control . My voice close to breaking as I stood up from my chair .

"You were the only single girl in school and I the single boy , so I was dared to fall in love with you and make you fell special . I now realise this was stupid because I found the one . Dont be upset we can still be friends . "

He stands up and is about to open the door to leave " Please don't try and kill yourself AGAIN , its too dramatic . Bye "

At this point I can't put a name to my feelings. They are foreign to me . My whole world has beeen crashed . Like a zombie I lock the door and go up to my room to sleep . The is no tear in my eye . How can someone fake a pure feeling such as love . How ?

Looking at the wall my vision gets bleary and a numb sensation travels thought my body. I can't process all that has happened today. It's 14:25 and I'm ready to escaped the cruel world of reality

Author's nott

Till next time 💕pls share uou thoughts and like , if you enjoyed this chapter 😇

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