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Lion's lioness🐾

He has to go through a lot of pain to make me happy ,that's what I think of him till today. I really don't what to be proven wrong

In my eyes , I see nothing but good in him . Even though I know they have been talking ;I don't trust her or any thing she say whether backed up by proof or not .

When it comes to him ,his words a like music to my ears. I believe everything he says . To me he can never be wrong he is always right (well most of the time ) I sometimes doubt his character and actions .But he always assures me its nothing for me to worry about and I well ,believe him.

I have heard of his betrayal from those before me ,but my heart keeps on telling me ;they are not happy about what we share for I feel our connection is way deeper than the Pacific.

It's so funny how I did the same thing to her ,but that was years back and it was for her own good ,if I didn't intervene she would have lost her life .I was only trying to protect her .I did not lie to her ,I told her the truth .Non the less the is nothing more bitter than being given your own medicine that too on a rusted spoon.

She told me he is a cheat and player but the question is, do I trust her words ?or even believe her as a "Friend ". knowing my love for a guy I lovingly call Lion .I don't trust her, let alone believing a word she atters .I trust my Lion .

Even though my heart adores him and feels nothing but love for him .My mind tells me I am making a mistake a big one too. At this point I don't care, my sweet corny Lion will be the best mistake, I have ever made and I have made a lot .

"No matter what happens i will never leave you " or was it "living you is out of the question" either way he said he will not leave me and I believed him and still do .

All I'm hoping for is not to being alone in this game of two .I hope I haven't fallen to deep and If I already did I hope to not be the only one who has fallen.

I don't trust that two faced snake,I don't trust her at all ,I pray she stays away from me and my Lion .

A lion can only be with a lioness, not some snake ,it doesn't look right nor sound right ,its just not natural not meant to be . I hope for her to see that before it's to late ,for I will not hesitate to put her in her place .Hell is where she belongs .

At this point I can't even hide my hatred for her ,I JUST CAN'T.

Everytime I think about what she did or what she is doing .I feel sorry for her ,she is looking for attention .

She is trying so hard to be me ,but she can't be because I never try to be someone am not .I am a lioness, my lion's lioness.

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😊Author's note

Welcome to my imagination 🤗😇

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I would like to know what you think about the lion ,lioness and snake


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