He has to know

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She should  have not done that ,said or even  though  about  it .I feel the need to control  people's toughs ,especially hers .A lot could have been prevented if she just took time to  think about what  she is ganna  do and what  effect will it have on other people,But NO ,she likes acting on Impulse.

Her actions  have coused me a great  deal of pain .We are childhood  besties, well were  childhood Besties .Now she is nothing  to me .Nothing  .

Looking at myself  in the mirror  feels  like looking  at someone from a different  universe , I feel no connection  to the girl I'm looking  at ,Nothing  at all .All I see is someone following my actions  ,but I would  not recommend  following a lost person .

Just as the though  crossed  my mind I hear a knock .I try to straighten my face and make sure my voice  doesn't crack. I'm not intending  on opening  the bathroom  door let alone  letting  any one in .I look like a mess .

"How can I help you ?"I say in the most  normal  voice  i could  master  at that point . Even  my own voice sounds foreign to me .This makes  it really  difficult  for me to hold my tears but I have to ,i have to be strong.

"Hey you have been  in there for a long time and I'm starting  to get  worried"
Reality  come flooding back . Noah asked  me to help him with catching up since  he was out of the town  for a week .we are really  close .

Noah moved  to this town before  my first  year  of high school. I latter found  out he lives 3 blocks  away. We were even in the same grade so we would  study  together, which meant him coming home aften   and I would  go to his house sometimes that  to when his parents  are not home .

Noah doesn't speak much  about his parents  and if I bring  up the topic  he shuts me down , in a polite way ofcourse. I have never met his parents  nor seen a picture  of them.

"I'm so sorry  I will be there in a minute! "I have been here for more than  15 minutes, He must think I'm avoiding him ,which  I'm not .Washing  my face with cold water should help .

Coming  out of the bathroom  I'm face to face with Him .I was really  not expecting him to be standing by the door .He has this thing of looking into people's souls ,it scars me .

"Would you stop doing that !," I say in a stern yet decent voice."what took you so long ?His question  come as a shock Noah never  asks such questions that too in a serious expression.

"Noah is that you?"I ask in a mocking way .I forgot why I was even upset and start laughing ,But he seems to be seems to be serious, Noah and being this  serious something must   be really  wrong. He was ok when I brought him home .

"NOAH?"I call this time my laughter  has long  died .His  silence  is killing  me ,I wonder what happened ;was it because I took  long in the bathroom. I have done this  to him before ,but his reaction  tells me it's  something  else .

"Noah what's wrong  ,now you are making  me worried !.what's wrong " I could feel  anger  radiating  from him .

"When where you gonna tell me?where you ever ganna tell me ?"his question  shook me to the point where my legs started giving up on me .jelly like they were. I needed  to sit down or collapsing  to the floor would  be next .

I knew  exactly  what  he was referring  to .I was ganna  tell him but not today .I guess  he has to know .He needs to .

sitting on the floor  ,Noah leans  over the bathroom door  .Should  I tell him now  ?How will he react  to this ?


                    AUTHOR'S NOTE😇

Enjoy your reading this is my 3rd update this week .I know I said I will update  twice a week ,but it is what  it is 🤩


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