Birthday Part One

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POV Dylan

  Barbecues have become somewhat of a tradition in the Cole household. At least once a month we each invite a few friends over, drink some beers and cookout. It's a ritual that all of our friends have become accustomed to and they always expect a good time. Not that we get out of hand or anything, we're not in the business throwing house parties, but we know how to have fun. Hell, we even let the kid and his friends join in on the festivities. Now, today's cookout is especially  appropriate because it's my 20th birthday, not meaning that we're going to go all out with balloons or hats or any of that mushy shit, but we usually do at least a little something for all of our birthdays. 

  Travis and I walk down the stairs, trying to hurry to the gym and then the store, and discuss what's going to go down tonight. Alex and Brad are sticking around the house with strict orders to pick up at least a little.

  "Happy birthday, Dylan." Brad calls as we pass by him sprawled out on the couch. "Thanks, kid." I ruffle his hair and head to the front door.

  "Brad, make sure to clean up in the kitchen, too. We don't need everyone to know that y'all live in a pigsty." Travis stops as he turns the doorknob to face Brad, he's serious when it comes to chores. 

  "Sir, yes, sir." Brad gives a fake salute from the couch.

  "Alright, smartass, just know it's your ass if it doesn't get done and I might forget to pick up those beers you asked for, too." 

"How come it's not Alex's ass?"

"It'll be both of you, hanging by your underwear off the back porch if y'all don't get this fucking house picked up." Brad got up fairly quickly after that and went straight for the kitchen. I let out a chuckle as we finally made it out the front door after an effort that felt like it went on for ages. 

  "We taking my car or yours?" I ask as we walk on the pathway that leads from our house to the driveway.

  "Mine. No way I'm letting you drive after last time. I actually enjoy living." Travis replies with a slight grin.

"Oh, whatever, it was just a few curbs." We hop into Travis' car and head to the store. 

  "Yeah and it'll be just a few black eyes once I beat your ass for messing up our cars." He smirks and makes his next turn on the road. 

  "Who all's coming tonight?" I try to make small talk and also I'm a bit curious. Travis tells me that his friend list tonight includes Micheal, John-O, Derek, Derek's girl, and Shelly. Oh and maybe Trent. On the short car ride there, we decide on cooking ribs, steak, and baked potatoes tonight, since it's my birthday. We walk into the store and decide that it's going to be our leg day. Travis and I usually work out pretty well together and push each other to our limits. 

  When we get to the gym, we go to the locker room set our stuff inside the same locker and head back out to the main floor where we start at one of the machines nearest to the water fountain. Travis starts out our set. "Hey, what do you think's up with Alex?"

  "What do you mean?" I haven't noticed anything unusual about him lately. 

  "I don't know, man, he's just been like real upset and stuff. Like the other day, I was just messing around with him and pretending like I was gonna give him a swirly and I swear he started begging like crazy and looked like he was about to cry." Travis finished his set and switched places with me. I got myself comfortable on the machine, adjusted the weight, and started in on the reps. 

  "Really? That doesn't sound like him." I was struggling to get my words out in between reps.

  "Yeah, I know that's what I thought... So, maybe we should just lay off him for a little bit? I'll tell Brad, too."

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