Birthday Part Two

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POV Brad

  Like I've mentioned before, I hate that I was born the younger brother. I'm currently in my room, pulling my underwear out of my ass all because Dylan decided that he needed someone to mess with and the dweeb is unavailable or whatever, not that the dweeb being available had ever stopped them before. I'm usually the one that Dylan and Travis decide to beat on when they feel like it, not Alex. That's why I have to mess with him, so he doesn't get left out. That wedgie fucking sucked downstairs, but whatever, at least we're all cooking out tonight. Travis got the beer I like and my boys are coming by; it's gonna be a good time for sure. In the meantime, I'm debating on what to wear, because I might incite this girl I've been talking to, depends on how I'm feeling. While I'm standing in front of my closet, trying to decide between my short sleeve blue button up and my Coors Light tee, Alex walks in. I turn around and acknowledge him with a nod, he nods back.

  "What are you drinking on tonight?" I turn back around to my closet, but I try to make conversation with him. Travis told me that he's been upset or something like that and I kinda understand how it feels, so I figure that I'll lighten up on him a bit for the time being; unless, the twerp does something to piss me off. I mean, I'm not completely heartless. Besides, I know that Travis was pretty serious when he was talking to me about it, so if I try to go against him when he just told me not to do it, it'll only land me in a lot more hurt than I was just in downstairs.

  "I don't know, whatever y'all have that I can mooch off of is fine." He says with a slight smile. Travis has never really cared about us drinking or anything as long as we're responsible, or at least he hasn't the older that we've gotten. Well, he's still a little strict with Alex, but he'll usually let him drink on nights like these.

  "Yeah, well, don't get too trashed. We don't want a repeat of last time." I tease him, recalling the last time that we were all drinking together and he puked all over the kitchen floor. He blushes a bit, rolls his eyes, and flops on his bed, while I slip on my Coors Light tee with some plain baby blue shorts. "Which of your nerdy ass friends are coming tonight anyway?" I may not be able to get at Alex for the time being, but that doesn't mean that I can't get at his friends, which is almost as fun as messing with him. Almost.

  "Only Eric tonight, you know how Travis gets." Alex answers while staring at his phone; I forgot that Travis decided that he doesn't want to be responsible for a bunch of drunk freshman, so he usually only lets Alex invite like one or two of his friends, unless it's like his birthday or something. I get it though; not that I'm an expert or anything, but freshman like that never know how to handle their alcohol, that includes Alex. Nevertheless, Trey's coming, too, and I'm sure we can find a way for Eric to entertain us, one way or another. 

  "Oh yeah, I forgot." I slip on some plain white vans and take one last look in the mirror, before deciding to make an appearance downstairs finally. Although, I doubt any of my friends have arrived yet, since I haven't heard Dylan or Travis yell my name. "Alright, dork, I'm going down." I walk down the hallway and back down the stairs and step into the scene. Dylan, Travis, Travis' friend Michael, Dylan's friend Erin, Dylan's friend Georgey, and Travis' friend Shelly are all standing around the island talking, each of them already have some sort of drink in their hand. I walk to the fridge to grab a beer, when Dylan stops me short with a hand on my shoulder. I groan internally and roll my eyes, I'm just ready to enjoy my night. "What?" I say lowly, careful not to draw too much attention. Luckily, I think no one has noticed us, they're too caught up in their own conversations. 

  "Nothing, bud, I'm just seeing if you're feeling any better." He said with a dicky kind of smile.

  "Oh, how kind of you." I stare at him with a blank face. 

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