Vacation Planning

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POV Travis

I'm logging off of my work computer after the longest day of my fucking life. We had three different projects going on for the past month and the deadlines for all three landed on today It's 10 p.m. and I'm barely leaving the office; not to mention I got here at 6 a.m. I'm just glad it's over.

I walk out and lock up the building with my spare key as I'm the last one here. Tomorrow's Saturday though and I plan on sleeping in until at least 12. When I'm settling in my truck, I hear my phone buzz in my laptop bag. I search through the papers and dividers to find where I lazily tossed my phone in earlier. It's a text from Alex:

Alex: I'm hungry.

Deja fucking vu. If I had a nickel for everytime one of my brothers texted me about food, I'd be a very wealthy man. I swear if you scroll through mine and Alex's messages 80% of the texts.would be him asking for food, 10% would be random, and the other 10% would be him yelling on Brad. Depending on my mood, I either tell him to find something at home or I'll give in to him and pick something up. Considering I haven't eaten since lunch, I decide I'll get something on the way home. 

Me: I'll stop at Mcdonald's on the way home.

Alex: Dope

Dork. Luckily, Mcdonald's is quick and on my way home. I decide to order a conglomerate of food. I think I've mentioned this, but teenage boys are going to eat me out of house and home. I leave out the drinks, because I know that we have soda at home. 

I finally arrive home and walks through the front door, juggling the food and my bags. Alex is sitting on the couch watching T.V. and his eyes light up at the sight of me, or rather the food. "Fuck yes." He pauses his movie and follows me to the kitchen.

"Dylan! Brad! Come down!" I yell out over my shoulder as I take the variety of food out of the bags and set it out on the dining table. 

"Dylan's out. I don't know where he went." Alex says as he claims a Big Mac and sits at the head of the table.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." I say quietly, more to myself than to Alex. Dylan asked if I wanted to join them, but I knew I would be too tired. I hear Brad trample down the steps and I turn to meet him. 

"Food's here- wait, where are you going?" I'm taken off guard when I take in Brad who's clean shaven and his hair is brushed. He's wearing white shorts with a plain navy tee and white vans. 

"Jerry Lopes is having a party tonight, Trey's gonna pick me up in like an hour." Brad says nonchalantly as he digs through the pile of food left out on the table. I nod understandably and finally take my seat on the left side of Alex. Brad sits across from me. Brad's usually partying on the weekends, so it's not a surprise or anything. 

"You're not going?" I glance over at him and say through a bite of my Big Mac. Every now and then Alex will tag along to parties with Brad, but only if his friends will be there too. 

"I don't know anyone that's going, plus Brad and his friends are assholes." Alex glares at Brad and I roll my eyes, knowing that this is gonna start some sort of a fight between them. Brad can't ignore Alex to save his life and Alex can't keep his mouth shut. Brad kicks Alex underneath the table resulting in a wince from Alex as he bends down to grab his leg and then Brad snatches the rest of Alex's nuggets and stuffs them in his mouth. 

"Heyyyy!" Alex whines looking at Brad and then at me. I don't really feel like playing referee tonight. 

"Brad leave the kid alone and Alex stop snitching, you sound like a baby." I huff and then take my trash and get up from the table. Alex slinks back in his seat and crosses his arms while a huge smirk overtakes Brad's face. "I'm going to bed guys, it's been a long week." I say to them as I pick up the wrappers and trash off the table. "What time are you gonna be home?" I look at Brad before walking over to the trash can in the kitchen. 

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