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POV Brad

    I don't find school to be exactly too challenging, it's more like I can't be bothered to be above average. I make okay grades, like I've never failed a class, but also I've never gotten any award like my freak of a little brother. I just have always had better things to do. I'm involved in clubs and obviously hockey, so I think I have a decent shot when it comes to going to college. I'm honestly not picky about where I'll end up as long as there's plenty of partying happening.

     It's a Wednesday and the final bell just rang signaling the end of the day. The school year is coming to an end and hockey season is over with, so Alex and I have to catch the bus after school, because Dylan and Travis are working. I have my license and all that and they're supposed to be getting me a car pretty soon, but Travis says that I need to earn it first. Whatever that means. I swear Travis is ten times harder on me than mom and dad were ever on him. It's so fucking annoying. 

    I'm walking down the main hallway with my friend Gavin towards the bus stops. We're just talking about stupid shit, like our summer plans and stuff. Gavin said that they're going on a cruise this summer for like a week, which sounds completely excruciating if we're being honest. I get motion sickness like a bitch so I would rather die than be trapped on a boat for a week. Of course, we're going to Florida this summer and Travis has already said something about parasailing and fishing, so I really hope that I'm able to stay on land this summer. I love the beach and stuff, but the thought of rocking back and forth  in a boat for more than a hour makes me nauseous just thinking about it.

    I reach the bus loading areas and Gavin and I nod goodbye to each other. He walks home because he lives just down the road from the high school. I look around the bus area and search for my route number, number seven. I spot it and then I head over to the bus. Once I'm on, I make a quick scan, the dweeb is in the very last seat with one of his friends. I have no idea why, but there's usually only kids younger than me on this route,  so most of the time I just sit by myself. Not seeing anyone I know, I head to the back of the bus and plop down in the seat in front of Alex. I lazily slide into the seat and throw my backpack to the spot closest to the aisle. I lean against the window and open my phone to reply to a few snapchats and texts. We have finals next week and I know that Travis is gonna be bugging me about studying, so I make a mental note to make sure to be studying when he gets home or at least look like I'm studying. I keep scrolling through my phone and thinking about how much I wish that tomorrow was Friday when I feel a thump coming from the other side of my seat. It kinda startles me at how powerful it was, but I just ignore it. Maybe they did it on accident, but then I feel it again and again and again and then I hear the dumbasses giggling. I quickly sit up and turn towards the guilty party. They stop immediately.

    "What the fuck? Cut that shit out." I look between the two of them with a confused look. Like what part of that made them think that was a good idea? They just sit there, pretending like they didn't do anything. They won't even return my eye contact, they're looking around trying to play innocent. I roll my eyes and mumble a 'whatever' under my breath, turning back around in my seat figuring it's useless to reason with idiots. I go back to looking on my phone and I look outside the window and realize we're almost home. My phone vibrates and it's this girl that I've been dodging. I hooked up with her not too long ago and I really don't want anything further than that,  so I told her, but it doesn't seem like she's taking no for an answer. I roll my eyes and clear the notification from my lock screen. 

    I turn to look back out the window when I feel another thump from the seat behind me. I quickly turn around in my seat again. "Okay, that's it, bitch." I say loudly, but not yelling yet. I try to grab onto Alex's shirt, but he's just laughing his ass off with his stupid friend and they're hitting each other trying to dodge away from my hold. They think it's hilarious. I calm down and grip onto my seat to keep from strangling Alex's ass right here on the bus and then a thought pops into my head. "Hey Alex?" He's still laughing, ignoring me. "You know that Travis and Dylan aren't home, right?" That immediately wiped the smile off of Alex's face and killed his laughter, but brought a smirk to mine. I turn back around, satisfied with the amount of fear that I've put into Alex. Now I need to figure out how I'm gonna get him back when I get home.  

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