The Waterpark

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POV Alex

    After the whirlwind of a morning that we had, the truck is completely silent on the way to the park. Brad and I are sitting at opposite ends of the backseat, Dylan is steadily paying attention to his phone in the passengers seat, and Travis has not spoken a word. Which honestly, I'm okay with, I need time to decompress. Travis has always had a bad temper like that, so I really wasn't that surprised this morning; it's usually how all of our family outings start. Nonetheless, I'm actually pretty excited for the waterpark today. Eric and Trey are gonna meet us out there, so I'm excited for that, the only downside is that Trey is gonna be there. I know that some of Travis and Dylan's friends are gonna be there, too. Hopefully everyone will be occupied enough to where we won't have to interact with each other that much. 

    I don't mind the scary rides, I'll ride any ride at the park usually, but the wave pool is my favorite. The wave pool at this place gets crazy, the waves get enormous, there's even an age limit on the pool you have to be 13 years old or older to get in. So, it's obviously super fun. If you're at the front then you're basically just getting slammed by the waves the whole time, trying to keep afloat, it's insane. So, that's probably the thing that I'm most excited for, that and the ice cream. They have the best soft-serve ice cream you have ever had, I'm not sure how they do it, but it's fucking good. 

    I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Travis pulls into a gas station. I recognize this one, it's the gas station closest to the park, considering the park is in the middle of nowhere, we usually stop at it on the way and it means that we're like 20 minutes out. He parks right in front of the doors to the store and twists in his seat to look at all of us. 

    "Okay, I'm going in to get some more beer and some other snacks. Does anyone have any requests?" He asks looking between all of us. I just shake my head, I'm not that hungry right now plus the food at the park is really good, so I wanna save room for that. 

    "I'll come in with you." Dylan comments, finally looking away from his phone. Travis nods and then looks at Brad. He puts on a small smile and looks straight in Travis' eyes. I bet I know exactly what he's gonna ask. 

    "Can you get me some beer, too?" My brothers don't care too much about us drinking, but generally they don't let us in public. In the past they haven't let Brad drink with them, so I'll be interested as to what Travis has to say now. He just looks back at Brad, eyes narrowed and I can't tell if it's because he's considering his request or because he's getting pissed off. Brad keeps his same, innocent smile as if he's never even said a curse word. Brad's good at manipulating, but it never works on Travis. The truck waits in for an answer in an anxiety-filled silence.


"Yess." Brad fist pumps in celebration. 

"But I swear Brad, if you start to get any type of out of hand I'm cutting you off and beating your fucking ass." Travis warns, already opening the door to get out. Dylan follows suit. Brad stretches his neck to watch them walk through the entrance to the store before he nails me straight in the shoulder. 

    "Ow, the hell was that for?" I grumble, wincing and holding my shoulder in pain. 

    "That's for always being Travis' little bitch. It's really getting fucking annoying." He says and then punches me again, this time twice in the arm. I grab my arm. "What are you even talking about?" I say still trying to nurse my arm and shoulder simultaneously.

    "This morning when he sent you to do his bidding and then when he came to your rescue in the closet. I heard you crying to him." He snaps at me unbuckling his seatbelt and punching my arm in the same spot, again. I can already feel it beginning to bruise. 

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