Last day

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POV Alex

    The last day of school is always an event. It marks the end (obviously) and the beginning of so many things- whether you're a senior and it's your last day of school ever or your a freshman like me and it marks the beginning of not being the last man on the totem pole- at least that's how I like to look at it. Another thing about the last day of school is that it's so easy to wake up for compared to every other day of school. And you're happy to do it, it's easy waking up early when you know it's the last time you'll have to do it for a while. Even Brad is already up and moving around our room and Travis or Dylan didn't even have to yell at him. 

    I slowly pull my covers back and stretch, yawning in the process and letting out one of those groan kind of noises that you make when you stretch.

    "Shut the fuck up." Brad tells me while shuffling through his drawers. Okay, so I take that back. Maybe it is easier to get up, but not everyone is happy about it. I ignore him and swing my legs over the side of my bed to make my long trek to our shared bathroom. When I get in there, I do all of the usual morning routine things brushing my teeth, fixing my hair, that kind of stuff and when I get back to the room, Brad's already gone. Which is a relief for me, because now I don't have to worry about getting in his space. 

    I step off of the last step of the stairs and I'm immediately hit with the smell of eggs and bacon and I'm confused. We normally don't cook that kind of breakfast in our house unless it's a special occasion. The most breakfast we get is like a frozen breakfast biscuit or a granola bar on the way to school. "Who's cooking?" I call out making my way to the kitchen excitedly. 

    "I am." A voice that sounds like Travis answers. 

    "Why?" I respond before I can see him and when I do, I answer my own question. There's a girl sitting at the table; she had her long blonde hair tied in a ponytail and she's wearing a tank top and what looks like my brother's boxers. When she sees me she smiles and says good morning, I do the same. He's trying to impress her I figure.

    "What do you mean 'why'?" He looks at me with his brows furrowed and then looks at her with a smile. He's really laying it on thick. 

    "I just mean I can't remember when we had breakfast that didn't involve the microwave." I say and go to open the fridge to get out the milk. I hear Brad chuckle who's sitting at the table finishing what looks like a plate of eggs, sitting next to Dylan who's doing the same. 

    "I thought you said you cook all the time, Travis?" The girl, whose name I'm not sure of at the moment, speaks up after taking a sip of her coffee. She looks familiar, but I can't place the name. 

    "Yeah, I do, he's just being a dumbass." Travis plays it off and glares at me, telling me to shutup without having to say it. "Here's your eggs, dumbass. After you eat you need to make your lunch. Dylan's gonna take y'all to school because I don't have to be at work until 10." Travis informs me while setting a plate down on the table right next to Brad. I nod and bring my milk to the table. The breakfast actually doesn't look half bad. It's fried eggs, bacon, and toast. Dylan gets up as soon as I sit down presumably to go upstairs and get ready. Travis returns to the stove to start cleaning up and the unknown girl gets up to help him with the dishes. I pick up my fork to dig in and Brad steals a piece of bacon if my plate before I even get the chance to take a bite.

    "Hey-" I start, but I'm immediately cut off by Brad elbowing me in my side. I grunt and hold my side while Brad takes the rest of my bacon. I look at him with an annoyed expression and he returns it with a wide grin. I decide to let it go and cut my losses in the hopes of trying to enjoy the rest of my meal. We sit in silence while we eat and I take my plate to the sink, then get out a paper sack for my lunch. 

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