Chapter 7 - Kara

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Kara had prepared so well for her first workday that her mother insisted on checking her vitals in case she'd come down with brain fever. 

Not only had she packed her work satchel the night before—which was frightening enough in itself—but she'd also laid out all her clothes, packed her meal in a neat little basket, and even picked out an interesting adventure book to read during her midday dinner break.

All in advance.

That morning Kara awoke before the first sunrise with the fifth bell. For the first time in her entire life. She'd only waited that long so as not to bother her poor mother, who had spent all evening tending to the Bauers' sick baby.

The poor wizard couldn't sleep for burned bread in a bakery. She kept tossing and turning as though she were pretending to be a ship caught in a storm.

Kara didn't need to begin work before the ninth bell, which would give her plenty of time to get ready and go for a pleasant stroll to the university. That way she could avoid being late thanks to the rotten carriage and all the annoying traffic.

Following the instructions in her mother's handbook, Kara wrapped an intricate braid around her head so that it would look classy while still staying out of the way. It was her first job at the castle, after all. It was important to look...well, regal.

Good thing I have long hair! Or else I'd never get it around my giant head!

A couple of loose tendrils framed her cheeks and softened the look. She pinched her cheeks to keep the sleepless pallor at bay.

Her heart hammered against her ribs as Kara checked her work bag three times over. Quill? Check. Ink? Check. Notebook? Check. Dinner? Check. Comb? Check. Change of dress in case I get all muddy or bloody or any other such nonsense? Check.

After all, Kara didn't know for certain everything her job would entail. Special physical education like self-defense classes? Possibly. After all, she was now part of a spy ring. A legitimate one run by Lord Staufen and the Tower Guard, of course. But a spy ring nonetheless.

Kara exhaled a deep breath and fidgeted with her blue wizard robes and a golden belt that hung low on her hips as per the latest fashion. Or so her mother had insisted.

Come on, you've got this. Make Papa proud!

Speaking of her mother, she waited for Kara in the kitchen near the front door. As though she could read her daughter's thoughts, she held out two elixirs.

I love you, Mom. We don't only look alike. We also think alike.

And they did. Her mother may have been twenty years older, but they had the same waves, dark as a blackbird's wing. The same pale shade of skin like the glimmering twin moons. And the same short yet round physique that seemed more sweet than graceful.

The only difference? Where her mother sported eyes the shade of a blue bellflower, Kara's were so green they looked almost black like tall pines swaying in the forest.

"Kara, dear!" her mother exclaimed. "You look lovely. Just like a princess."

Kara scowled. "Should I change it? 'Princess' seems a bit overkill."

"It's a figure of speech, dear." Her mother waved a dismissive hand with a yawn. "That style is definitely fashionable at the moment with all the female Masters and their daughters."

"Is it?"

"Yes, dear. Don't you notice all the ladies?"

Kara guzzled both flasks, one after the other, and gave her mother an incredulous look. "Mom, seriously! Do I look like I give a flying cowpat about what other girls do?"

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