Chapter 5

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This girl... she looks familiar, Marie thought as she watched a couple of boys lower Alby and Newt into the box by ropes made from ivy vines. All the Gladers around Marie held solemn looks on their faces and were looking around aimlessly. Marie spotted Thomas looking at the girl with curious eyes and she tilted her head to the side trying to find a connection between the two newbies.

Marie saw that Gally had sick gleam in his eye as he helped hoist the girl, Alby, and Newt out of the box. She glared at him and felt almost protective of the girl. As soon as the girl's back touched the ground outside the box, all the boys crowded around her. Marie shoved the boys out of the way to get to the girl. She had pale skin, tar black hair, and looked about fifteen or sixteen. She crossed her arms as Newt and Ably scrambled out of the box and forced their way to the girl. They looked at the girl, at each other, and then at Marie. She nodded slightly before she pointed at Thomas. The crowd parted and Thomas looked at her.

"Greenie, get over here," Marie said sternly. As Thomas walked towards the center of the group, the boys glared at him as if this was his fault. Alby, Marie, and Newt were all kneeling beside the girl as Thomas approached the girl. Marie had to admit that the girl was really pretty, but she couldn't shake off the feeling that they had met before.

"You know this girl, shank?" Alby asked, sounding ticked off.

"Know her? Of course I don't know her. I don't know anyone. Except for you guys." Thomas replied, shocked by the question.

"That's not ...," Alby began, then stopped with a frustrated sigh. "I meant does she look familiar at all?Any kind of feelin' you've seen her before?"

"No. Nothing." Thomas shifted, looked down at his feet, then back at the girl.

Alby's forehead creased. "You're sure?" He looked like he didn't believe a word Thomas said, he seemed almost angry.

"Yes. Why?" Thomas emphasized as he met Alby's glare evenly.

"Shuck it," Marie muttered, looking back down at the girl. "Can't be a coincidence. Two days, two Greenies, one alive, one dead. That's never happened before."

"You don't think I ..." Thomas started with a voice full of panic.

"Slim it, Greenie," Newt said. "We're not sayin' you bloody killed the girl."

"I swear she doesn't look familiar at all," Thomas exclaimed.

"Are you-"

Before Newt could finish, the girl shot up into a sitting position. As she sucked in a huge breath, her eyes snapped open and she blinked, looking around at the crowd surrounding her. Alby cried out and fell backward. Newt gasped and jumped up, stumbling away from her. Marie's eyes widened as she fell back on her hands. Thomas didn't move, his gaze locked on the girl, frozen in fear.

Burning blue eyes darted back and forth as she took deep breaths. Her pink lips trembled as she mumbled something over and over, indecipherable. Then she spoke one sentence-her voice hollow and haunted, but clear.

"Everything is going to change."

Marie stared at the girl before her eyes rolled up into her head and she fell back on the ground. Her right fist shot into the air as she landed, staying rigid after she grew still, pointing toward the sky. Clutched in her hand was a wadded piece of paper.

Newt ran forward and pulled her fingers apart, grabbing the paper. With shaking hands he unfolded it, then dropped to his knees, spreading out the note on the ground. Marie crawled forward and snatched the paper and Thomas moved behind her to get a look.

Scrawled across the paper in thick black letters were five words that would change everything:

She's the last one. Ever.


An odd silence hung over the Glade. Marie read the message out loud and the Gladers all stood dumbfounded. Marie stood and crumpled the note in her hand. She cupped her hands around her mouth, "Med-jacks!"

Clint and Jeff were pushing their through the crowd and stopped in front of the girl. "So what do we do with her?" Jeff asked in his usual high pitched voice.

"Take her to the Homestead and watch over her," Marie replied as she crossed her arms. Clint was already checking for a pulse and leaning over the girl to listen for a heartbeat.

"Who said Clint had first shot at her?" someone yelled from the crowd. There were several barks of laughter. "I'm next!"

Marie glared at the boys and her mouth was pulled into a tight smile. She could hear the boys audibly gulp as she glared at each and every one of them. "If anyone touches this girl," Marie started off, "you're going to be sleeping with them spikey slugs. Banished. No questions. Not to mention you get a kick in the balls and a black eye from me." She paused as she looked at every Glader in the eye. "Nobody touches her! Nobody!"

All the boys nodded quickly as Marie glared at them. "Good," Marie muttered as she nodded once in approval.

Clint had just finished his examination and stood up."She seems fine. Breathing okay, normal heartbeat. Though it's a bit slow. Your guess is as good as mine, but I'd say she's in a coma. Jeff, let's take her to the Homestead now."

Jeff nodded and grabbed her by the arms while Clint grabbed her feet. The girl seemed so familiar to Marie and her piercing blue eyes brought back a memory. In her memory, there was a little girl with the same piercing blue eyes cheering on another girl that looked like a younger version of Marie as she repeatedly punched a tear-drop-shaped bag AKA a speed bag.

Shaking her head, Marie watched as Clint and Jeff carried her to the Homestead. She shook her head again before walking into the deadheads. She built a little watch tower a few days after she arrived in the glade that no one knew about except her. One thing that scared her from the memory of the little girls was that she too had a speed bag. When she first came out of the box, it was there with her along with some boxing hand wraps.

There was also a note that said two words:

Keep Training.

soo sorry it took so long. my wifi isn't exactly what you call stable and all these exams are not helping either. soo I wrote a somewhat long chapter.

Thanks for waiting especially you Jacob_Doodles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2015 ⏰

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