Chapter 3

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"Wake up, Marie! You're going to be late for today's run," Newt shouted into her ear.

"What's on fire?!" Marie screamed as she sat up causing her to bump heads with Newt.

"My forehead. Is your forehead is made out of steel or something? God that bloody hurt," Newt said as he rubbed his forehead. Marie checked her watch.

"Shuck! The doors are gonna open soon. No no no no no no," Marie whispered shouted as she put on her running shoes and ran out of the homestead.

"Hey Marie, here's your lunch with your water and-," Frypan was cut off as he handed her the lunch.

"No time. Bye Frypan! By the way, I stole a cookie when you weren't looking yesterday," Marie yelled as she got her lunch and ran to the maze. She saw that the doors haven't opened yet, so she took out her brush and brushed her hair.

"Owww! I hate you tangly hair! I shall brush you one day with no problems, hair. I will get you," Marie chuckled evilly as she brushed her hair, but struggling with the tangles.

"You know that your hair can't hear you right and it's your fault for not brushing your hair the night before," Minho said as he jogged over.

"Yeah well you wouldn't know the struggle. When a girl wakes up late, she has to brush hair. Her hair then decides to make her life more miserable by not cooperating with shucking tangles," Marie explained as she brushed her hair furiously.

"Why don't you just tie your hair up?" Minho questioned.

"Because it will get tangled with the hair tie and it will be harder to take out the stupid hair tie later," Marie exclaimed she brushed another tangle out. The doors opened and the runners got ready for a long run.

"See you on the other side, Minho," Marie yelled as she ran in the maze.

"Yeah. See ya," Minho whispered as he stared at her retreating form.

"Minho! What are you doing!" A runner shouted as he ran past the boy.

"Oh shuck," Minho mumbled as he ran in the maze too.


Marie felt alive when she was running. Her legs were aching, but that feeling of adrenaline kept her going. Something new. She was looking if anything had changed in the maze, but it was the same.

Marie had ran each section of the maze herself and the different patterns, but nothing changed.

"Woah! You stupid wall. You scared me, but it's okay. It's not your fault that people built you there so I'll let you go this time," Marie said to the piece of stone as she side stepped and took a left.

After a while of running around in the maze, Marie checked her watch again to see that she should get back to the glade before the doors close.

"Woo! Good job guys! Great run!" Marie shouted as she ran out of the maze at the same time Minho did. She was all sweaty making her clothes stick to her body.

"To the map room! Gotta go map before I forget like last time hehe," Marie shouted as she ran straight to the map room. She opened the door and closed it behind her.

After Marie mapped out her section, she went to check on the greenbean and Chuck.

"Don't be sorry. The...shank deserved it and I don't even know what a shank is. That was awesome," The greenie said as I walked to them.

"Hey Marie! This is Thomas. Thomas this is Marie," Chuck said as I waved at Thomas.

He looks familiar... I can't remember...

"Nice to meet you, greenie. I know this is overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it," Marie said as they shook hands.

"Are you the only girl here?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah. Gets kinda lonely having no other girls, but these guys are my friends," Marie said as she patted Chuck on the back.

"Just wanted to check on you, greenbean. See you tomorrow guys!" Marie shouted as ran to the homestead.

"Marie something last name. Are you going to tell me what happened between you and Minho?" Newt asked the girl as she walked upstairs to her room. Marie stopped at the stairs, remembering what happened.


Minho and Marie decided to go on arun together. Minho suddenly pushed Marie against the wall.

"What the-?" She was cut of by Minho's lips pressing onto hers. She put her arms around his neck while his hands were on her waist.

"Jump," he whispered as hekissed her neck. She wrapped her legs around his waist and grabbed his chin. She kissed himHe licked her bottom lip and she opened her mouth. They made-out for couple of minutes before she pulled back. They were both trying to catch their breath.

Marie got off of Minho and stepped back. Minho was smirking at her.

"Well uh. That was new. And uh we should keep running," Marie said as she looked at the wall. Minho nodded, but he still had that smirk on his face.

"Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll throw you off the cliff," Marie threatened him. Minho just put his hands up in surrender.


"You know what Newt? I don't think it's that important anymore. Goodnight," Marie said as she continued to her room.

"No you said you would tel-," he was cut off by her bedroom door slamming shut.

"Fine then! Goodnight Marie!" Newt yelled as he also went to his room.

Hehe Teresa next chapter! YayHomework has been pain lately! So I'm gonna try to update as soon as possible! :)

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