Chapter 2

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Sorry I didn't update in a week or so. I was busy with school work and stuff~

"Marie! Come back here," Frypan shouted as he chased the glader girl.

"No! It's my cookie now! Bwahahaha!" Marie laughed as she saw that frypan couldn't catch up to her.

"Marie! Give the cook his bloody cookie back!" Newt yelled at the girl.

"Fine. Here ya go, Frypan," Marie said as she gave him the cookie.

"I swear you act like a bloody child and yet you were here the longest," Newt said as he walked over to Marie.

"I know. It's a wonder why those shucking shanks sent me up here first," The brunette replied to the second-in-command.

"Well it wouldn't be the same without you," Newt said to the girl as they went inside the homestead.

"Aww thanks Newt. I swear you're my mom sometimes.  Though it would be a bit weird if you were," Marie said as she scrunched her eyebrow together.

"On the other hand, where's Minho?"Newt asked.

"He's probably still at the map room. I bet Alby will tell him to get some shut eye to get ready for tomorrow's run. Why?" Marie replied.

"Nothing. Although recently when you guys are in the same room, it gets awkward," Newt said as they went up the stairs.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Marie said as she turned away from him, but he caught the blush on her cheeks.

"You're blushing. What happened between you two?" Newt asked her and grabbed her arm before she fled to her room.

"I'll probably tell you tomorrow when I come back from my run. Goodnight Newt and tell Alby to not scare the greenie," Marie said to the blonde boy before retreating to her room.

"Goodnight Marie," Newt said before turning around and going to his room.

Everything is going to change.

Hey! This is the day before Thomas arrives so get ready for a new change. Haha!

P.S. sorry for the short chapter.

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