Chapter 1

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Three years later...

Fifty or so boys had been brought into the glade.  After Marie had been sent into the glade, each week they would send up a boy with supplies.  That went on for three months before they started sending up a boy every month.

At first everything was out of control, but slowly the gladers worked together to bulid a home for everyone that came through that box. The boys even came up with new words for things like shank or greenie.

The boys wanted Marie to be the leader, but she wanted to be a runner. So Marie appointed Alby as the leader and Newt as the second-in-command.  Still, the boys insisted that she should make decisions when it comes to the glade and its people because she was here the longest. So she made rules. There were three rules that Marie made over the years.

1. Do your part because we don't have time for free loaders.

2. Never hurt another glader because we need trust  in order for everything to work.

3. Never ever go beyond those walls. *runners not included*

It was hard when she made those rules. Marie saw her friends suffer and she couldn't have that anymore. Everyone had to work together whether they liked it or not. 

In the glade, everyone had a job.  The greenie had to try out every job to see what they were good at. Well, to be a runner a glader has to be nominated. It was hard to find an escape out of this maze.

But everything is going to change.

The First Glader Named MarieWhere stories live. Discover now