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Also gore warning!

Nala had lived in this shabby old town her entire life, she knew every face of every person, she knew every dark ally, every crook and nanny criminals might hide in. Shed seen alot in her days, She watched her small hut in the forest turn into the medical care fasility for passerbyers, those same travlers would later come back to settle nearby. She watched her ancient forest become smaller with each passing generation, small children grow up and eventually dying of old age.

The town never stopped growing, and now the humans had invented things like cars, phones, tvs. Nala found many new ways to keep herself entertained in these newer days, but nothing had dimmed her love for the necromatic arts. their was nothing quite like the power she felt at reviving someone. As humans began to live longer and longer it became harder for her to find dead bodies to resurect, why didn't she just kill the people herself? It wasnt like her, Just because necromancy was outlawed in all forms didn't mean the people using it always had bad intentions. Instead she enjoyed bringing people back to life, reuniting them with their loved ones. even if they wernt all the same.

Nala walked into the convenience store at the edge of town, grabbed a bag of salt and viniger chips, some soda pops, and brought it up to the counter. No one was there, she rung the bell and waited. No one answered. Sighing Nala used her magic to temporarily glitch out the cameras as she moved behind the counter and into the employees only room. She was shocked to find blood spattered on the walls and containers, and pools of blood on the floor. in the center of the room was the store clerk, his uniform now stained red, his head had been severed. With a small smirk Nala stepped forward and performed a simle necromany spell. Shed been a necormancer long enough that shes mastered this art and no longer needed a ritual table to comeplete her spells. The skin on his neck knitted itself back onto the clerks head, and as the spell came to a close the store clerk sprang to life with a jerk and a gasp.
Nala knelt down beside him,

"Hush hush love, take a deep breath." She cooed, the man looked around in horror, then stared back into Nalas large aqua marine eyes.
"w-who are you?" He asked with shaky quiet breathes.

"My name is Nala, i come here often for small snacks. Do you remember the one who tried to kill you?" SHe asked, the man hyper ventilated as panic set in. Nala rested her hand on his chest and slowed his heartbeat ever so slightly, she helped control his breathing and soon the man was calm.
"It was a man with dark hair, he had a black hoody, and glasses. I remember cause i think i knocked them off his face when he attacked." The man explained, Nala nodded and stroked the man on his head.
"Is their anything else you can tell me about this man?" She asked, he shook his head.

"Alright dear, ill escort you home, you should refrain from telling anyone about this insident, including friends and family. Heres my number, i want you to call me if you ever need anything, am i understood?" The man nodded excesivly, Nala grabbed him under his arm and helped him up, then led the way out the door. Before they fully left Nala lifted the chips and soda pops she wanted to buy at the man, signaling she still needed to pay for them. The man shook his head,
"Theyre on the house." Nala nodded and stroe out the door with the clerk.

She had walked the man home and hadnt found anyone matching the description as they passed. the man who killed the clerk must of fled far and fast. As Nala entered her home she took out her phone and dialed her friends number.
"Bella dear, i have a mess at the convenience store i need cleaned asap, the poor clerk was murdered their and i cant have anyone finding out yet."
"Alright, my and Andry will be their shortly. Who murdered him." She asked, Nala shrugged.
"Who knows, he gave me a description but theirs about a thousand men in this town that could match the description. Ill call mili and see if she has any clues."
"Sounds good, call me if you get any more information."
They hung up, Nala dialed Mili and waited for her to pick up. Sighing Nala went to her basement and found her couldren already being filled with engredients.
"Jack did you do that?" Nala Inquired, a small black cat crawled out from behind some herbs.
"I swear it was the crow." Jack said, Lora flew down from her nest.
"The cat is a big fat liar, i have in no way messed with any of the herbs on the shelf." Lora defended herself, Nala rolled her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2022 ⏰

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