the demon king

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The demon king was sitting in his castle one morning and just looking around. His black hair ruffled and unkempt, his Orenge eyes blazing with anger. Lately things had been boring. He'd taken over half the Continent and he felt bored now that most the action was gone. He decided to stop at the river side inn in maxwood. He disguised himself as a blonde haired blue eyed elf. He walked in the inn and sat at a random table. The waitress asked what he wanted. "Ill just have a pint of beer." The waitress nodded and left to grab his drink. The demon king looked around and saw a girl with long copper hair and two golden eyes. She specifically caught his attenchion because she had mentioned "demon king." He listened closer. "Don't worry, I'll find the demon king and bring upon him the justice of the klith kingdom." The guy she was talking to laughed. "A little human girl like you? Fighting the demon king? Your gonna get yourself killed little girl, how about you just come back with me and have some fun." The girl shot up from her seat and looked at the guy with such fury. "Just you wait, I'll prove to you a little girl can do anything. I'll bring back the demon kings head and make you tremble before me!" She shouted. "Here's your drink sir." The waitress said. The demon king had been so caught up in this girls yelling he had forgotton all about his drink. "Thanks." He said simply. He took a sip and decided to talk to the girl. He got up and walked to her table. The other guy had left, so the seat across from her was free. "So, I hear your going to face the demon king?" She grunted. "Yes, and you can't stop me, so don't try!" She said taking another drink. "Stop you? Oh no, you've got me all wrong. I wanna help you. I happen to know a quick way to get to the demon king. But the way is pretty difficult. Let me come with and I'll help protect you, alright?" The girl smiled. "I don't need help, but I'll let you join, we can share the glory of killing the demon king." The demon king smiled. "Great, when do we head out." The girl chugged the rest of her drink, then slammed her mug on the table. "Right now!" She said. The truth was, the demon king just wanted to mess around. This would be easy, get her to the castle, then turn on her and kill her. She'd never see it coming. They set out. The demon king, now going by the name soren, lead roshia through the mountains. In the mountains they faught trolls, and wolves. Plus one dragon, but it was small. Soren decided to let her take it on alone. She faught well and killed it, but now suffers from a deep wound in her left leg. Soren didn't realize it, but he started to develop feelings for the girl. It seemed she had feelings for soren as well. Finally they had reached the demon kings land. They were almost to his castle when he stopped roshia. "Roshia, we should rest here." Roshia turned to look at him. She opened her mouth to protest, but soren spoke first. "This is the last place we will be able to rest before we reach the demon king. Rest now, fight later. I can take the first watch." Roshia nodded. She hadn't brought much as she wanted to travel lightly. It was a cold night and she had no blanket or pillow, yet she still fell asleep quickly. It was a peacfull night until soren heard a gasp, followed by sharp breaths and scratching noises. When he looked at roshia she was scratching the ground as if trying to flee. She was obviously having a nightmare. Soren didn't know what he was doing, but he found himself laying next to her holding her tight. He whispered her name and roshia jolted awake. The demon king sat up, bringing her with him. "Are you alright? Did you have a nightmare?" Roshia nodded. "It was just a nightmare though, I'm alright now, thanks!" The demon king nodded. He still had his arms rapped around her waist. He held on to her tighter. What was the nightmare about?" He asked. Roshia sighed. "It was my family. A long time ago the demon king attacked my village. My family was burned alive. My mother and I escaped, but my mom only escaped to hide me. After I was hidden some minions of his stabbed my mother. I watched her die right before me. I've always wanted to avenge them ever since. If I have to kill the demon king to get justice, then I'll die trying." Soren was frozen now. He didnt know what came across him. What feeling was this. Was it regret? Unbelievable, how could a girl make him feel regret over this. The demon king whispered quietly. "Im so sorry." Roshia was quiet. "What if the demon king made some kind of deal with you. What if he could bring back your family, and promise to never hurt them, let them live freely?" Soren asked. "Well what's in it for him? I would gladly except, but what would he want." Before he could stop himself soren said. "Your hand in marriage." Roshia was quiet. "But, I only love you soren. I wouldn't wanna throw you away just for them. I love them, but my mother told me before she died not to try anything to bring them back. It was their time and so everything would be alright. I decided killing him would be the best way to get rid of the pain. And ill stick with that." Soren was quiet. "Is their something the demon king could do to receive your forgiveness. "Roshia snorted and layed back down. Soren followed after her and held her tightly again. "If he truly felt sorry for what he did, and agreed not to break families apart like that again, then I'd forgive him." Soren couldnt stop himself. "Im so sorry." He said again. Roshia giggled. "Its alright, you didn't do anything, so stop apoligizing, haha!" They sat in silence for a moment, until soren heard her breathing slow. She was asleep. Sorens eyes were wide open with shock, anger, guilt and what ever else these feelings were. Most importantly he was confused. How could this girl make him feel this way? He thought long and hard all night, until roshia woke up. She sat up. Almost right away a bowl was shoved towards her. "I made breakfast. It's rabbit stew." Roshia smiled. "Thanks, soren, your the nicest person I've ever met. Thanks for being in my life!" She said. Soren smiled and nodded. They continued on their way to the demon kings castle. Suprisingly, to roshia at least, they wernt met with any attackers. Finally they reached the doors to the demon kings throne. The moment of truth was now. "Roshia, before we go in their, I want to apoligize. I didn't think I'd develope feelings for a human, but I have. Your beautiful, nice, and everything i never knew I wanted. I love you, and I'm sorry for what your about to see." Roshia smiled. "I love you too, but let's go kill us a demon king ay?" Soren nodded. Roshia opened the doors and as she did soren turned back to his true form. Roshia noticed right away that the throne room was empty. "Darn that king. He's hidden hasn't h-" Roshia turned around and saw the demon king. He was taller then before, his long black hair was now groomed, and his Orenge eyes were dull and thoughtful. "Well, now you know, I'm the demon king. I'm not soren, or any other elf out their, I'm the demon king." Their was a long pause. "Well, your sorry for what you did, right?" She asked. The demon king could see even she didn't want to kill him, not after everything they'd been through. The demon king looked into her eyes. He saw hurt and betrayal in her eyes. "I won't split families apart like that ever again. I just wanna be with you forever. Yes, of coarse I'm sorry for killing them. I hurt you, and I can't forgive myself for that." Roshias eyes softened. Then she gave a smile. "Im glad your finally feeling remorse for your actions. I wanna be with you forever." The demon king smiled. He stepped closer and leaned down to kiss roshia on the lips. "Roshia, will you be my queen?" He asked. "yes, but remember your promise, no more raiding villages." The demon king nodded. Now they could be together forever. "I promise, I'll make you the happiest girl in excistance as long as we're together." Roshia smiled and nodded. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you to." The demon king replied.

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