the sorcerers island

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Terloma was an old sorcerer, he had seen many wars in his days. He remembered a battle in which he had to flee from a band if wizards. He came to an island, and from there he put spells around it so no one could ever reach this island of his. Here he built his castle, he used magic to make the animals serve him, and he lived peacefully. He had grown long white hair, and his skin was pale. So pale someone might've thought him sick. He was glad the wars he fought in were behind him, and he didnt wish to see people ever again, for they were only destructive. One day as he walked along the forest he heard a cry near the beach. He followed it and saw a girl running from a spider crab. Seeing the sight the sorcer couldnt help but smile. He watched the girl from afar as she ripped a branch off of a tree and used it to whack the spider crab. Once the crab had gone the girl calmed herself down. Terloma noticed she was completely wet, and she had seaweed in her hair. The girl began looking around frantically, and terloma understood. This girl had been in a shipwreck, and floated all the way to his peaceful island. As it approached dark, the girl began making a shelter. She collected sticks and made a small hut, outside of this hut she made a fire. Terloma laughed as she struggled to build the hut, but finally she made it stable enough. Then she sat down by the fire, took the seaweed out of her hair and tried to stay warm. As the days and nights dragged on terloma continued to watch the girl. He enjoyed watching her struggle to keep her shelter up. Often the sorcerer would use magic to help the girl out. Hed send a deer her way, or he tighten a loose string in her hut so It didnt fall over. One morning as terloma was wandering around his castle he heard yelling down below. He looked out from his balcony and saw the girl was running towards his castle, a bear was pursuing her. Quickly terloma called on a raven to peck at the bear, and hopefully lead the girl straight to terloma. He waited in his throne room for half an hour before the raven returned. And shortly after it returned, the throne room doors were swung open, and the girl entered. Upon seeing terloma she gasped and fell to her knees. "I apologize sir, I'd no idea anyone lived here!" She said. Terloma only started at her. The girl looked up at him and waited for him to speak, when he didnt say anything she slowly rose from the ground, her gaze didnt leave terloma. She walked forward, terloma still did not speak. He was still as a statue. The girl, once close enough, reached out her hand to touch his cheek. Finally terloma spoke. "Boo!" He said suddenly. The girl screamed and fell backwards. Terloma smiled, amused at the girls reaction. The girl sat up. "Why didnt you say anything! I was beginning to think I'd bowed to a statue." She said. Terloma sat straight in his chair and only continued to look at the girl. She narrowed her eyes. "Do you even speak English? Hello? Do you hear me?" The girl began waving her hands around, terloma did not react to that. The girl rolled her eyes. "Of coarse you wouldnt understand me, you live on an island far away from real people, you probably sacrifice people to gods too. Well us real people dont do sacrificing anymore. You people probably have small brains too." The girl said, confidant that he couldnt understand her. "You keep saying people as if you believe others live here. I assure you I am the only other person on this island. And no, i dont sacrifice to gods, and I think it would be best for you if you learned to not jump to conclusions. Now tell me, what is your name?" He asked, the girl gasped with surprise. She was silent for a long moment. Terloma raised an eyebrow. "Well? Out with it!" The girl stumbled over her words at first, but then she finally told him. "My name is luana. And you?" Terloma leaned forward, using his magic he paralyzed the girl. "And why do you think I should tell you. You come into my home and insult me." Using more magic he shut the throne room doors. "You are trapped here with me, whether you like it or not. So you might find it in you best interest to be more kind to me." He said, looking the girl straight in the eyes. The girl didnt seem scared though, rather, she seemed angry. He used his magic to make luana walk closer to him, once she was close enough, he stood up and placed a hand on her cheek. He was much taller than the girl, at least two feet taller. Luana still seemed unafraid.
He realesed his hold on the girl. She gasped and took one step away. "How did you do that!?" She shouted . The same way I fixed your hut, or helped you hunt. The same way I kept your fire going as long as you wanted, and snuffed it out when you had fallen asleep." The girls eyes widened. "You've been watching me!?" She exclaimed. Terloma narrowed his eyes. "Well yes but I was protecting you. Helping you survive out here when you had nothing. Your welcome by the way." Terloma said as be sat back down on his throne. The girl was silent in thought. Finally she looked terloma straight in the eyes, huffed, and then smacked him across the face. Terloma was stunned to say the least, vut somehow not angry. For some reason he felt as though he walked into that. "And what exactly was that for?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at her. "That was for stalking me!" She said, then she kicked terlomas nether parts, terloma gasped in pain and hunched over. "And that is for thinking you have the roght to control me!" Terloma was a little pissed now. When he had regained his breathe he said, "you brat, youll pay for that one." The girl didmt seem at all threatoned, instead she smiled and said, "if you want your revenge youll have to catch me first." Then she ran away. Terloma thought about stopping her with his magic, but something told him not too. So instead he gave chase, the girl was fast. Lucky for terloma she didnt know how to navigate his castle, soon she reached a dead end. Terloma smiled, knowing hed finally caught her, the girl turned to look at him. Terloma was taken off gaurd by the shit eating grin she had plastered to her face. Sje began giggling, she pointed behind terloma, confused he turned around, he didnt see anything. When he looled back the girl had disappeared. Terloma laughed, he knew she took the secret entrance, but it wasnt the fact he knew exactly where that led to and could easily catch her there. It was the fact that a human girl of all things tricked him.

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