dark lords lover

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Rizoku was a shapeshifter, a lonley one. Shapeshifters often went aroind in groups, but her group split when she was still young. Her friends kaiser aoli and sevrana had a disagreement on territory, this disagreement ended up splitting the land into war. Aoli and sevrana seemed good in this situation, but if they took into account kaiser's thoughts they might see his is understandable as well. Never the less, kaiser became known as a dark lord. they asked rizoku to choose a side, but she couldnt stand seeing her friends split apart like that, so instead she ran away. She rarly took her elven form these days, her favorite form to take was that of a fox. As she wandered the woods, she kept her eyes and ears open. Listening for prey. She didnt realize until too late she had reached the borders of the dark land. She caught a mouse and began eating, her white fur temporarily messy with blood. Suddenly one of the dark lords servants came out from the trees. "Its just a stupid fox, kill it and be done with it." From behind Rizoku another servant came out. "Such a pretty little thing doesnt belong here." Rizoku turned into a dove and flew away as fast as she could. She heard the creatures gasp. "Its the white angel. What's she doing round here?" Rizoku didnt realise until she crossed the gate that she was now in the dark lords domain. The stench of the place hit her nostrils and she gagged. She smelled dead bodies before, but not rotting dead bodies. It smelled even worse. She turned herself into a crow to disguise herself. Quickly she found a place to hide and turned back into her normal form. she had flown onto a balcony, where she then entered into a room, she looked out at the sky, then she began looking at her surroundings, rizoku noticed she had flown into an empty bedroom. The bed look unused. A thin layer if dust topped almost everything in the room. Except the armor rack and a single chair next to it. It seemed whoever lived here didnt need the bed, nor anything else. Rizoku decided she should look for the closest way out of here. She went back to the window and looked out. Those guards must've come back with the news of her arrival, cause dark servants of the dark lord seemed to be on hyper alert. Rizoku backed away from the window. She had to leave. She couldnt fly away cause dragons, ravens and crows almost blackened the sky. Their was no escape unless she could blend in. Suddenly the door slammed shut behind rizoku. She froze with fear. "Well well well, what do we have here." It was the dark lord. She turned around and met the cold blue eyes of the dark lord. "It feels like ages since we last spoke. Have you finally chosen your alliance?" Rizoku shook her head. "Nothing like that, and i was just leaving, so bye." Rizoku turned into a bird to try and fly away, but the dark lord used his magic to close the balcony doors. She stospped herself jist before she crashed into them, then she droped to the floor in her fox form and faces the dark lord who smiled. "Now why would i let you leave when your so close to being mine." Rizoku began backing up to the window. The dark lord walked closer to her. She couldnt fight the dark lord. She knew she wasn't strong enough. "Oh, so were shapeshifting now, alright." The dark lord said turning into a wolf. "I'll show you true power maggot." He lunged at rizoku and pinned her down. "Ya know, this brings back memories. Remember way back when, about five ages ago to be exact, me and you were friends. And so was Aoli and sevrana. Remember all the fun we had together. All of us wrestling. You were the weakest of the four of us. So we always let you win." The dark lord laughed. It was even more terrifying to hear in his wolf form. Rizoku closed her eyes, her ears fell flat against her head in submission.
The dark lord quieted his voice, his grip loosened. "relax rizoku, im not going to hurt you. For some reason your the only one in this forsaken world that i cant hurt." The dark lord turned back into a human and lifted risoku up, stroking her head, finally he kissed her forehead. "It really hurt me when you chose to go neutral, ill admit i felt betrayed. aoli and sevrana choosing to go against me, while you choose to run away. I remember chasing you through the woods a ways, but sevrana stopped me. I could have taken you back and protected you, but sevrana had to get in the way." Rizoku turned back into her original form, the dark lord continued to stroke her long white hair. "rizoku, i hope youll choose to stay with me, its very..." the dark lord stopped stroking her, sadness seemed to dawn on him. " lonley.." he finished. Rizoku looked up at him and cupped his cheek. "I never stopped caring about any of you guys, ive been so afraid of hurting you by choosing a side, id hoped you guys would work it out, when that didnt happen... i resorted to hiding, from both sides." Risoku nuzzled into the dark lords chest. "I just want to go back to the old days, before these terrable wars. Even now im still afraid of you. But im honestly more afraid of sevrana and aoli. I dont think they want me around anymore.." the dakr lord tightened his grip around her. "What did they do to you?" He said in a soft yet menacing voice, rizoku rapped her arms around his neck. "Please dont hurt them." She begged, the dark lord began stroking her hair again, "fine, i wont hurt them yet. But i am at war with them, we will have to clash face to face someday." he said, rizoku sighed, "i know. I wish there was another way. I wish you guys would forget your stupid disagreements and we could all just be friends again." the dark lord grunted, then he lifted rizoku, used his powers to get rid of the dust, and layed rizoku down on it. "You musg be tired from running away all this time. Stay the night here and tomorrow i shall have breakfast served for you. I dont want you to worry about the war, i just want you to be safe. And while i dont want to make you choose, i would feel much better knowing you choose to stay here with me." He leaned ocer and gave rizoku a kiss on the forhead. He started pulling away but rizoku grabbed his face and pulled him in for a kiss. once it was over she lay back down while her 'evil' lover smiled at her. "id love nothing more than to stay here with you forever." she said, and ot was true, she felt more loved in the short time she was here with him then she had with aoli and sevrana her entire life. hed been so kind to her, how could she not choose him. So after thousands of years, she finally made her decision. "Ill join you in your conquest, kaiser."

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