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Eshe put her hood on and ducked her head. She tried not to be noticed by all the people beside her, the cold rain seemed to seep into her bones, making her shiver. These people had once loved her so much, her father and mother had been the heros of the land. When they settled and had eshe, everyone excpected her to carry on their heroic legacy, they excpected her to protect them. Her parents were going to attack a new evil that moved in a few years back, but they had fell in battle, leaving eshe with even higher expectations. The village she grew up in had kicked her out with nothing but a sword and a bag of food that would last her a few weeks if she was lucky. Upon meeting her first beast In the forest eshe knew heroism wasnt for her. She felt weak and useless, she gave up her quest and wandered from town to town aimlessly, avoiding the gazes of disappointed villagers. Eshe walked into the local bar and sat down at a table, she ordered some wine and jerky. She knew something was wrong with her food when she had taken a few bites and felt dizzy. Suddenly her hood was thrown down, eshe jumped and grabbed her sword, her dizziness caused her to stumble. Suddenly six drunk men hobbled up and began beating on her, five more people joined in, eshe fought to get out. She had to get away from them, she had to run far away and never return. Finally she freed herself from the hateful men and ran for the gates of the city, no one followed her as she ran out into the dark forest. Eshe knelt on the ground and threw up, she needed help from someone. A sudden thought popped up into her head, it might be stupid, but if it didnt work and she got killed, perhaps it would be a good thing. Then these evil people would never have to see her again, shed no longer live her life in fear. She looked out past the village she was close to the villain's palace, it shouldnt be to hard to make the journey. She made a wide loop around the walled city and went straight for the castle.


Fabumi placed back and forth in his chambers, he had squashed a few rebellions, made an alliance with two kingdoms, and now ruled over most of the country. Eshe still had not been found, fabumi wondered if she had been struck down, the village people still talked about her as if she was going to save them, yet no one had heard from her twi months after she left to defeat him. A nock sounded at his door, "come in." He said, one of his spies walked in and bowed, "sir, eshe has been spotted, shes close and heading straight here."fabumi coced an eyebrow, "so the heroin is alive, let her come, do not stop her." The spy nodded and left, fabumi got ready to meet eshe.


Eshe looked out at fabumi's castle from the forest, it was surrounded by gaurds, maybe they could help by striking her down. Eshe heard a shout from behind her, she turned and saw one of the drunk villagers actually had followed her. She was still dizzy, and cuts and bruises littered her body. She was in no position to fight with anybody, the drunkard smashed a cup on her head, eshe didnt fight back, she didnt lift her fists when he kicked her, she didnt stop him from stabbing her, she didnt get up even after he had been gone for three hours. Instead she lay on the ground, wondering why she tried so hard to stay alive in a world as cruel as this one. The moon was half way in the sky when she finally got up, she looked out at the castle, blood poured from her wounds, it hurt to walk, she was so disoriented that she saw two castles instead of one. Taking a deep breath she took one step forward, then another, soon she found herself stumbling toward his castle, the gaurds spotted her but did nothing. Why? She asked herself, why wont they end me, do they not care about fabumi? Or perhaps they feel it would be to easy to stop her if she tried to attack him. She reached the doors to the castle, the gaurds opened the doors for her. Inside she saw fabumi, a look of shock on his face as he gazed at eshe. He walked toward her, reaching out his hands as if he wanted to help her, and then pulling back as if he was afraid of hurting her. Eshe looked up into his eyes.

"...didnt know where else to go..." she said, she collapsed into fabumi's arms.


Shock and confusion. This supposed hero stumbles up to his door and collapses into his arms as if she doesnt have the support of the entire country. Fabumi called for a medic emedietly, he helped carry her off to a soft bed and waited outside patiently as the doctors patched up her wounds. What had happened to this girl that made her litterally fall into his arms, why would she need his help? There was a village nearby that would almost certainly take care of her if she asked, why did she come to him? One of the doctors came out of the room and bowed, "my lord, she is strong and will survive her wounds, she refuses to rest until shes spoken to you." Fabumi nodded, as he walked into the room he wondered if she might try to attack him, he stood at the door of her bed and waited for her to speak. Her eyes were closed, her hair was tangled, looked like it hadn't been washed in weeks. Though her brown skin shone in the torch light, even though she was in horrible shape, fabumi couldnt help but think of her as beautiful. She opened her big brown eyes and gazed at fabumi, his heart skipped a beat. He decided that if she attacked him now, even in her week state, hed let her end him, theres no way he could raise a fist to her. "Fabumi..." she said weekly, fabumi walked around the bed and knelt at her side. "What happened to you." He asked, eshe closed her eyes again, she explained what shed gone through these past years, how horribly shed been treated. Fabumi stroked her curly black hair, "Eshe, those villagers will never treat you harshly again, no one will ever raise a fist to you. I will make sure your safe and sound." He said, eshe smiled, "somehow I knew coming to you would be the right choice." Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep. Fabumi sighed, he left the room and ordered that when she awoke they bathe her and give her new clothes.


Fabumi had a tough time sleeping the night before, he couldnt help worrying about eshe's state, how could the villagers be so cruel? Fabumi now stood before his top generals in the war room. They were discussing strategies to take the rest of the country, but they were interrupted when a maid had come in and told fabumi eshe had been washed and changed, she was waiting for him in her room. Fabumi left emedietly to see her, as he walked into her room he caught his breath, his heart skipping a beat as he looked at eshe. Her black curly hair had been washed, a maid was currently working hard to braid it. Eshe's dark brown skin looked glossy and clear, her choclate brown eyes locked with his, a smile upon her lips. Fabumi walked toward her, "eshe, you look lovely." Eshe looked at the ground in embaracment, "thank you." She said, fabumi reached down and lifted up her chin, "eshe, from this day forward you have the protection of the king, you are superior to all except for me. I hope you would except my proposal and become my queen." Eshe widened her eyes as she gazed at fabumi


Eshe couldnt believe her ears, had fabumi really just said that? All her years being rejected by the supposed good guys all because she wasnt a hero, and turns out the villain was the one that truly cared for her. Not only that, but he was setting her in a position of power but he was assuring her that no harm would ever come to her again. Fabumi reached out a hand, eshe rested her hand on his. She suddenly felt powerful, a feeling shed never felt before. She felt as if she could take on the entire world as long as fabumi was by her side. "I'd love to be your queen!" She exclaimed, fabumi smiled at her. "Then let the entire world know that eshe is the knew queen of this country!"


Hey hope you guys liked this one, it was done in somewhat of a rush since I havnt posted in a while and I feel really bad for that! Let me know if you guys have any ideas for future short stories!

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