chaotic good

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It had been months now since the gods gave her these powers and sent her on this quest. She was exhausted. She wasn't built for fighting, she built for the opposite of fighting. Helping people, not hurting them. But the gods had spoken and she had to obey. She had finally reached the dark tower that held the man she was supposed to kill. Vilrik was inside. The gods told her he had become even more powerful than the ancient stories told. Back then he could only do a couple spells. Now, he could shapeshift, use a forbidden spell to control you, and much more. Honestly, she was scared. She knew if she died today, the gods would scold her in the after life. It seemed like they didn't care much about her unless she did something good. 'Whatever' she thought. 'I'll just get this over with. Dead or alive, at least I tried.' She took a deep breathe before opening the doors and walking in. In front of her was a long hall. It was dark, their were many doors. Spiral stairs in the center. Probably leading up to vilrik. She walked inside and the doors slammed shut behind her. She whipped around, sword drawn and ready for a fight. Her white skirt fluttering around and she turned. Their was no one. She sighed. Somewhere up the stairs she heard a voice. No doubt the voice of vilrik. "Of coarse, the gods send a little girl to fight their battles for them. Well, come up here and face me. Not to fight, but to talk." His voice sent shivers down her spine. It was like a whisper, but it was loud. Clearly heard. She started up the stairs. She finally reached the top (and was out of breath too) and now was a door. She opened the door to see a small room with a giant throne on the far wall. On either side was dark shadow creatures. Their eyes followed her as she moved toward the throne. Their sat vilrik, tall, and Suprisingly handsom. He had long red hair, and firey Orenge eyes. He wore all black, and his cape fell all the way to the floor. He got up from his chair and walked toward her. He stopped just in front of her, looking down into her violet eyes. They locked eye contact. Without moving his lips, vilrik spoke. Apperantly he has telepathy. "It's sad they sent a young girl to fight me. I'd rather not kill you as your far to young to be deserving death. Besides that, they forced these powers onto you. You had no choice did you?" She nodded. "Did you ever want powers like these?" He asked. "No, I didnt want them. I wish I didn't have them. But the gods said I had to kill you, so maybe life just isn't fair."
"Or maybe the gods should have more respect for humans. They feel humans are the most useless of the races. They feel their disposable since they lack the things elves or dwarves have. They underestimate humans. For I was once human, now look at me. I'm over a thousand years old and yet, I'm still alive. The gods hated how I did this. They believed the humans should have smaller life expectancy than any of the races. They don't care about human affairs and enjoy watching humans battle. In fact, they love watching humans kill so much, they send humans to do their dirty work so that they can watch humans die. Well, I refuse to fight you. I'm proud of you. You've come this far and survived. Now I'll give you a choice. Reject the gods and their cruel ways, join me and we shall bring the gods down and take place as the rulers. or, try to fight me, and be sent away to the beginning of your travels and be forced to endure all that pain and hardship again." She thought about it for a long moment. He was right, the gods have only ever sent humans to their death. They wernt nice, they were cruel. Humans were their little tests in this world. Guinea pigs doing their bidding for entertainment. They made humans fight their battles. Maybe joining him wouldn't be a bad idea. He is quit handsome. He's also powerful so I couldn't beat him in a battle anyway. Maybe joining him would be good. We could bring a better world for the humans. Everyone could be equel. Suddenly their was a bright light and the goddess sapphire appeared. She had ocean blue eyes and a long blue dress with twice as long blonde hair. She wore as silver crown with blue sapphires. She looked at the human girl with such anger. This girl was planning on fighting against the gods. Sapphire spoke. "How dare you even concider this. We've been so kind to you in helping you through your journey and this is how you repay us. Thinking of betraying us. I have no choice but to kill you now." The girls eyes widened in fear. She began to beg for her life. "Wait no, I'll kill him, please don't kill me." The goddess lifted up her sword and swung it, aiming to decapitate the girl, but the goddess stopped suddenly. The girl saw as vilrik stepped in the way of the sword and stopped it with his own. "Its about time you show up. I was getting tired of your human lab rats doing your work for you. I won't allow you to kill this human girl." The goddesses anger flared as a white light blinded everyone in the room. The girl was knocked back against the wall. She watched as vilrik faught the goddess with such ferrousity. Their swords clashed until suddenly vilrik stabbed the godess. Sapphire gasped. She fell to her knees groping the wound. She looked up at vilrik and said, "you have angered the gods beyond measure, you will both be punished in due time." Then in a swirl and blue and white light she vanished. The girl tried to stand up, but pain coursed through her body. After getting thrown against a wall that stuff happens. The girl stayed on the floor, barley concious. She looked up and saw vilrik standing in front of her. Then her vision went black.

When she woke up she was laying on a bed. It was big and confortable. She opened her eyes to see she was in a bedroom. She tried to sit up but her muscles acked. She heard a voice from the corner of the room. "Good, your awake. I was beginning to wonder if my healing magic was fading. how are you feeling now." The girl lay back down and replied. "Im feeling ok I guess. My muscles are sore but, what can you excpect after being thrown against a wall." Vilrik sat next to her on the bed. He grabbed her hand and looked her in this eyes. "That offer is still open." The girl smiled. She knew what she would choose. Vilrik had chosen to save her when the godess chose to kill her. He wasn't the bad guy, he was a good guy who the gods made out to be bad all because they disagreed with his way of life. "I choose to stay by your side." Vilrik smiled. Suddenly vilriks lips were on the girls. She didn't fight him, she enjoyed it. Vilrik then stood up, taking off his cape and boots before scooting into the bed next to the girl. He held her close and they fell into a loving peaceful sleep.

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