💭 late valentines special

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(A/N: with fuyutake, maitake, and shinwaka! time to put those generating things into use, haha, and also, I actually planned to publish this exactly on Valentine's, but guess who got sick on that day :D! dw, I'll be posting the next chapter after this ^^)


fuyutake: seeking balloons

A quite blissful night by the festival, vivid colours shining through the streets, the crowds reflecting its endearing light

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A quite blissful night by the festival, vivid colours shining through the streets, the crowds reflecting its endearing light. People walked around the stalls, holding each other's hands to avoid getting lost. The place was swarmed, the noise quelled in the clangour of colliding voices. Chifuyu and Takemichi were by the junction of the stall to the shrine's stairs, buying one blue and yellow balloon. The boy with sea-green eyes gave the yellow balloon to Takemichi and smiled.

"We'll probably get lost along the way," Chifuyu stated, lifting up his blue balloon. He stared at it before averting his eyes to meet the boy's ocean pair. "So let's use these balloons as our guide."

The two had their ballons in the air, walking around the festival hand-in-hand. Until they were separated in the crowd. Chifuyu was pushed over to the right, while Takemichi was pushed to the left, breaking their hold onto one another and losing each other in the crowd.

Chifuyu panicked, looking around the crowd, jumping to see a blonde boy in the crowd. But, he wasn't the only one with piss-hued hair. Well, fuck. Then, he conceded they bought balloons to locate one another. He looked up in the air, walking around while holding up his blue balloon. His eyes flashed relief as he saw a similar yellow balloon, its tail uncontrollably moving as if the owner has been throwing around. He pushed himself onto the crowd, calling out his partner's name.


"Chifuyu!" He answered back, and it made the sea-green eyed boy sigh in solace. 

Just a little bit more.

He reached out his hand when he saw the male wearing a blue yukata with dragon details, the one Takemichi was wearing earlier. He then got his shoulder, making the boy flinch. His blue eyes met his, Takemichi's eyes welled up in tears. Chifuyu smiled, pulling his closer to a hug. The boy in his arms wailed, burying his face on his shoulder.

"It's alright," Chifuyu assured. "I'm here."


maitake (maitakehina in a polyamory relationship): burning something

"We fucking messed up," Takemichi sighed, putting his hands on his hips

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"We fucking messed up," Takemichi sighed, putting his hands on his hips. Mikey nibbled his bottom lip, looking down at what they did with worry and fear. "Hina will get mad."

"Talk about your girlfriend, Takemitchy," He moved closer to the taller male, cuddling his arm as he shuddered. "That girl's scary."

It's Valentine's Day, and Mikey and Takemichi volunteered to make dinner for the occasion. Hina was out, buying some flowers and other ornaments to decorate the table, and she expected his boyfriend and metamour to do their best and NOT burn the food.

But they did. They burned their fucking dinner. And they were just cooking steak.

Takemichi chuckled, wrapping his free arm over his boyfriend, using his hand to pat his back, "She's much scarier when she's mad at you. Well, let's do this all over again."

"I hope we can finish all of this before she comes home."

The ravenette chuckled, planting a small kiss on Mikey's forehead.

(They still burned it, and they got a scolding from Hina when she came home and smelled burnt meat by the kitchen.)


shinwaka: small confession

The Black Dragons won again, emitting their power and strength over others, even though Shinichiro never wanted to use this to bully other gangs

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The Black Dragons won again, emitting their power and strength over others, even though Shinichiro never wanted to use this to bully other gangs. The four leaders of the gang sat by their favourite place, the place where they first formed the gang, drinking beer and snacking off their victory. It was a cold two a.m., with the only lights alive being the street polls. Takeomi was at his high, joking around with Benkei, who was sober enough to go with him. Wakasa and Shinichiro stood by the rails, the ravenette leaned over the stony silver railings, watching the placid waves of the river beneath them. Wakasa had one of his hands in his pockets, his left hand holding an empty can of beer. He stared at Shinichiro, whose midnight eyes sparkled like the night sky watching over them. His slender fingers held the top of the can, swaying it around as his arms draped over the rails. 

"Hey, Waka," Shinichiro stated, looking down then taking a sip onto his beer. "Guess what."

"What is it?"

Shinichiro stood up straight, walking closer to Wakasa, where their faces are inches apart, and smiled at him, the taller's charcoal orbs reading what the lilac-eyed was feeling.

"I love you."

Wakasa flushed a shade of pink, stepping back a little in shock, "Dude, what!?"

"I love you," he repeated.


"You don't love me back, don't you," Shinichiro sighed, turning his head to look back at the view.


Shinichiro's eyes then opened wide, the same flush covering Wakasa's cheeks covering his pale ones. He then looked at Wakasa, who was fidgeting with his fingers, the empty can of beer already on the ground. His lilac pair avoided the ravenette's gaze, muttering things he can't hear.

"So...you love me?" The male with midnight locks had his lips curl up into a smile.


Wakasa felt himself being pulled towards a larger and broader chest, his head being met with the older's shoulder. The ravenette's arms wrapped around his waist, his face buried in the crook of his neck.

"I love you."

"...love ya too, Shin-chan."

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