Chapter One

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Me and another guard stood in front of the king, he sat on the throne looking down at us angrily. "How could you have let this happen?" He stared at me. "You, of all people shouldn't have given him the chance to escape."

"I'm sorry sir, I had turned on the extra power of the ship, but he was smart." I looked down at my feet, but looked up when I saw Erin walk in. "Y/n.. We have a problem.. The weapon you helped me create, I hid it on the ship and it's not there anymore."

"Shit.. Sir if I may, can I go to earth to inform Thor of Loki's escape. He can help. I will find Loki." I looked up at him, his answer held my last hope to possibly save the universe from Loki.

"Go. Take Erin with you, three Gods are better than two." Thales nodded his head slightly as Erin smiled brightly. Erin has wanted to go to earth for years now, but Thales said it would be dangerous.

Not much longer then that I was at the teleporter for our world. "You ready princess?" Erin asked. "Shut up, doofus. I hate that title." I rolled my eyes and readjusted the few weapons I had hidden beneath my clothes. "I know, it's why I use it." They smirked and gestured their hand towards the teleport spot.

"Let's do this." I smiled as light surrounded us. This is when I'm glad Erin took up inventing, they said the Tony Stark from Midgard is who inspired them to start up the 'hobby'

Seconds later we appeared on earth, the different smells almost made my stomach turn. The light that brought us here disappeared and we were left here. "It's a bit horrible here. Isn't it?" Erin asked. "Just the smell. Let's go, Thor is in New York, so we need to know where we are at."

We walked around, until we came across a place to tell us our location. "Well. I think it's safe to say we are in New York." Erin looked ahead at the guy in red flying building to building. "Spiderman." I smiled.

"Let's go get me a snap back and a mask, you know the love thing." They nodded at me and somehow, we found a store for it. A guy came up to me and slapped my ass. "Excuse me. Do you have no respect for others?" I looked at him. He didn't respond but instead smirked and walked away.

"You know I couldn't mind using a weapon on him." Erin looked at me. "Nah. Just an asshole." I started looking around more, searching for clothes as well as the hat and mask. Erin found some clothes too, they want this funky button up, skinny jeans and shoes.

"We have an issue; we don't have Midgard knowledge or a tour guide." I looked around us, seeing people hand out green stuff. "Use your gift, just this once." Erin handed me the clothes and dragged me to a line of people.

Not much later a women started ringing up our clothes and stuff. "Hi, would this be all for youuu.." She dragged out the word when she looked up at me. "Hello.. This will be all. Umm.. Can I have this for free?" I pouted a little and gave puppy dog eyes, it always added to the love effect.

"Ye-yes of course. It's on me. I'm not supposed to do this.. but can I have your number?" She smiled and bagged the clothes. "Mmh.. Write it down, I'll get back to you." She smiled and wrote her number on a paper. "Thank you, Sierra." I smiled as I read the paper and grabbed the bags.

I grabbed a random person and asked if they knew where the mighty Avengers are at. Thor has been staying with them, so if we find them, we find Thor.

After we gotten the information we needed, I grabbed Erins hand and phased through city plants, small trees, and the park until we ended up in front of a tower with a huge white A at the top. "The avengers really need a huge ass tower. It gives them away."

"Well, Midgardians aren't smart. Aside from Tony Stark." They smiled as they mentioned their favorite guy. "You know we're going to meet him in there. And he made the tower." They nodded in excitement and dragged me to the door. They were about to knock but, me being me- I opened the door and walked straight in. "They should never leave the door unlocked." I rolled my eyes.

"Who are you?" A guy walked up to me. He held a shield in his hands within seconds. "Cool it. I just need Thor." I looked around, hoping he would be near, but it would be too easy if he was. "Y/n? Is that really you?" Thor came running in the room and picked me up. "Put me down you huge Thunderbug!!" I smiled and hugged him back slightly.

"Thunderbug. Thats a new one Tony is sure to use." The blonde shield guy raised a brow and tilted his head to his words. "Wait! Hes here?! Like now!??!" Erin looked at him with wide eyes.

Finally, Thor put me down and looked between me and Erin. "Is something wrong? You wouldn't come to me unless-" "Loki escaped. Thales is not happy." I got straight to the point, cutting him off.

(~1/10/2022 - Wordcount 905 ~)

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