Chapter Five

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(~ I will have a dark part, somewhat gory but no blood mention but before it starts there will be bold words ad when it ends it will also have bold words. ~)

"Alright. The footage is from Dallas Texas. Romanoff, you'll be coming with me. Thor, stay with Erin and Stark. If they need to test the trap, they will test it on you. Pepper, take Morgan and Peter to this bunker in Montana." Pepper nodded at me. "Maximoff twins, you two will take part of Texas. Super Soldiers, you'll take another part. Me and Romanoff will take Dallas. All you have to do is stay back and watch. If you see him tell us." I handed out the same devices I gave to Carol and the Guardians. We can all communicate with each other through these now.

We all separated to pack a bag, of course my bag was the lightest. I decided to phase through the plants of the towers to go downstairs, it's always fun to do it. I appeared in the living room and sat down on the couch. "That is one cool trick." I looked up to see Natasha standing in the kitchen. "You always seem to appear when I use them." 

"I guess I'm just lucky." She smiled and tilted her head. Why is her little head tilt so cute? "What are your other tricks?" She sat down beside me. "The phasing through nature, people falling in love with me, I can make people feel love, and I can kill or cause extreme pain to things. This part is kind of gory. They turn to ashes and bones, or their skin will just turn black, and their heart and eyes turns to dust. I can make their body slowly turn black, make their body go numb from the feeling of being stabbed over and over again by a knife. A horrible trick I got from my dad." I looked at my hand, the tips of my fingers are black, just like my fathers. 

"Are you and your father on bad terms?" She placed her hand on my hands. I smiled at her, its strange how nice her hands fell or even look near mine. "Not really. I've chosen not to talk to him, but I will always love him. No matter if he is a God of death and pain or not." I shrugged my shoulders. "And your mother?" I shake my head a little "I've never met her. But shes a wood nymph." She smiles. "Wood nymphs are extremely beautiful, she passed that gene down to you." I giggle at her. "Were you trying to be cute?" I asked. "No. I was trying to get you to smile." 

"Ready to go ladies?" Steve and Bucky walked in with bags hanging off their shoulders. "Waiting for the twins now." I answered him. "We're here." Wanda walked in while Pietro ran into the couch leg. "Slow down speedy." I stood up and reached my hand out to Natasha, I thought she would ignore my hand and stand on her own, but she took my hand and stood up with this cute little look in her eyes. "Did you guys see that? Romanoff wasn't rude again." 

"Stark, shut up. Where is Erin?" I let go of Natasha's hand. "In my lab." He answered. "There are a few rules with Erin. Number one, never leave Erin alone in your workspace. They will have it a mess within ten minutes. Number two, don't let them into your room, Erin will probably take your shirts. And last rule, number three, never leave them alone. Erin can get into an immense amount of trouble that I'm sure you don't want to pay for. Have fun taking care of them." Tonys eyes widen and he started running to his lab. "Byyee!!" I screamed and waved at him. "Ready to go now?" They all nodded, and we all started to go outside. 

One drive later we are at Fury's private Airport. "Alright, we are all taking separate planes since we're going to separate parts of Texas. Remember to keep an eye out, you see anything suspicious you tell us." Everyone agreed so we found the plane each team are taking. Natasha said bye to Wanda while I went to the pilot area to start it up. 

"You can fly a plane too?" Natasha asked as she walked closer. "Only from books. I think it would be better if you help me out a bit." I laughed and flicked on a few switches. "Well, we will start with turning this switch off. And turning this one on. Follow this checklist." She handed me a small paper covered in plastic. After a while we finally were up in the air. "You said you dislike this planet, why is that?" 

"Well.. My mom was from this planet. I was born on this planet. My dad tried to raise me here but after four years he took me back to Niros. Since he told me mom died here, I've never wanted to come here again. But here I am." I leaned back into the chair and watched the clouds. "What about your parents?"

"Both dead, but I was adopted, and I have a stepsister. When I was eight and my sister was six our parents gave us up to be trained as Black Widows." She put the plane in auto pilot and turned to me. "Why can't you stay? Here with the Avengers. We could be greater with someone like you." I smiled at her. "I can't. This isn't my home. It may feel like home, but I shouldn't."

"You should.." She whispered, more so to herself than me. I don't really have a reason to not stay, I have more reasons to stay than to go. I can find where I was born, maybe I can find family there. Dad did say she had a sister, maybe I have a cousin! And another reason would be Natasha. Natasha and her cute little smile and head tilt, I noticed when she laughs, she gets extremely rosy cheeks.

"Stay.." She put her hand on my knee. "I'll think about it. Now what games are on your weird device to play!" 

(~ 3/28/2022 - Word Count 1039 ~)
(~ Not proofread ~)

Hi, so I've been extremely unmotivated to be writing this story, but I've found new ideas for this, and summer break is coming up, so I'll be able to write a lot but for now I think this may be the only chapter for a few weeks or maybe a month since I have testing coming up.

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