Chapter Six

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After hours of playing on Natashas phone we arrived in Dallas Texas. Tony and Erin have two days to get the trap done while we all are laying low. I didn't really have a good plan for when we got here, I planned everything else, but I didn't plan a single thing for when we actually got here without the trap. Pretty stupid but oh well.

"There's a house five minutes from here, Fury already has cameras set up everywhere." I nodded at her and we started walking. "I told you about me, can you tell me something about you?" I saw her eyes darken a little, did I take questions too far? It was the basic 'I wanna know you' question but everyone takes it differently, everyone has different trauma defenses. 

"Long story short, I was part of a deal my parents made with Dreykov, I was given to him to become a Russian spy, an assassin. I was under psychological control for years, until I escaped with help from Clint. Saved my adopted family and a group of women being chemically controlled, saved the avengers. Now I'm here, trying to do some good."

"You are good, you have a pure heart. I can feel it. You might not think you are pure, but you're much purer than Thor, he's a kinky bastard." I made a disgusted face, but she looked at me smiling with confusion. "It's part of the whole love thing. I told you it wasn't gifts." I shrugged my shoulders. "You know what peoples kinks are?"

"Yes, I know their kinks or whatever the hell they like, it's to decide if they will be compatible with another person." I put my hands in my pockets and glanced at the people around us. "What are mine?" She put her hand on my shoulder and held me still. 

"You really want me to tell you? I mean, you should already know!" I look slightly down at her. Shes an adorable height, about 5'5 but I'm 5'8 so she's a little shorter than me. "Hey, I might still be finding out about them." I shake my head at her but prepare an answer for her.

"Praise, you have a praise kink, you like degrading too. You like your hair being gently pulled, enough to assert dominance. You love eye contact. Mild knife play, choking, edging, and oh, look at that... You're a bottom." I whispered she's a bottom, to which she started looking anywhere but me. 

It's so damn cute, especially how she's trying to hide her blush. "I forgot to say your love language is touch." I put my pointer and middle fingers under her chin and made her look up at me. "Our souls already know each other, don't they?" She asked, she pulled my mask down a little to show my entire face, but my hat was on to shield me from others. 

"It's our bodies that's new." I started to lean in until I could fully see people walking around us. "I'm sorry Natasha." I fix my mask and grab her hand, intertwining our fingers together. I could feel her palms become slightly sweety and could see her face become a deeper shade of red. "This is not rejection. I just know you'd like to stay your badass self in front of people." She smiled at me, and we continued walking to the house we'll be staying in. 

"I swear Thor does this on purpose." I sighed as I looked at the single bed in the house. "Pepper and Wanda too." She shook her head and leaned against the door. "I'll make food, you-" I took her hand and lead her to the bed. "-can relax for once in your life." She furrowed her brows. "Natasha, from how everyone has described you, you are the one always on your feet. Relax, watch a movie, a sitcom or read a book!" She laughed at me and agreed. 

I can't get attached, it feels like I've known her a lifetime, but I've only known her less than three days. Our souls are familiar with each other, they love each other. Love is a strong word, but our souls know it's what's right. Can a Goddess have a soulmate? A mortal whose heart is of pure gold. 

"Relaxing is so boring." I looked over my shoulder to see her slowly falling from the bed to the ground. "Come help me make macaroni than. Would that make you happier?" I smiled as she started running towards me, she tried stopping but her socks made her slide a little farther until she bumped into me. "Well, hello there." I smiled and looked into her eyes. 

Green eyes, like the forest. "You have pretty eyes, you know that?" I tilted my head in question. "No one has complemented my eyes. Only one thing." She looked down and gestured towards her body. "Well, that's nice too but your eyes. You have beautiful green eyes, like the moss of the forest ground, or four-leaf clovers, representing luck. Truly beautiful."

She started smiling really big, tilting her head to the side with her cute rosy cheeks. "You don't realize how beautiful you really are." She started to look away, anywhere but me so I took that as a hint to finally grab the box mac and cheese, a pot, a spoon, two forks and two plates. "Tasha can you- I'm sorry.. Natasha, can you set the table?" 

"Tasha sounds nice." She took the plates and forks from my hands and placed them on the table. "Is the AI from Starks building hooked up to this place?" I ask. "No clue let's find out. JARVIS?" She started looking around the room. "FRIDAY?" 

"How can I help you, Miss Romanoff?" I smiled. "That answered that question." 

Less than twenty minutes later the macaroni was done. And we ate, in a really comforting silence. We didn't need to talk, but that was also because we had FRIDAY playing some music in the background. For once, I wasn't the romantic one, she had the lights dim and she even brought out red wine. "This is quite romantic for you." 

She looked down at her plate and swallowed what was in her mouth. "Tasha, it's okay. I told you to relax, you're safe with me." She sighed and looked at me. "I know I'm safe, I feel safe. Thats what's scary, a good scary, it still terrifies me." I put my hand on top of her hand and I could feel her change, like she realized something. 

Minutes later she tilts her head at me. "Is this a date?" She smiles. "If you want it to be." She blushed and nodded her head. "Are you done eating?" I stand up and look at her plate, she nodded so I took her plate and washed all the dishes that were used. 

"Well Tasha, there's a choice here. We both take the bed, or I sleep on the floor. I value your comfort, so which would you rather?" I hold a blanket in my hand as I watch her lay down on the bed. "Both of us can take the bed." She pulled down the blankets and waited for me to get in before throwing them up on me. 

"Goodnight Tasha, we are in for one long day of searching tomorrow." I turn off the lamp and turn towards her to see her staring at me, or really it seemed like she had been mesmerized by my lips. "Natasha, love. Try to sleep." I go to gently brush my hand over her face to close her eyes but before I could even get that far, she pecked my lips. I smiled and leaned closer to her. "Heres a real goodnight kiss."

I slowly kissed her, only lasting thirty seconds before pulling away from her. Her lips parted and her eyes stayed close for a few more seconds until she opened them and moved her head for her hair to hide her adorable smile. "Goodnight Tasha, sweet dreams." I kissed her forehead and pulled the blanket up to her shoulders to keep her warm. "Goodnight, Y/n.."

(~ 5/20/2022 - Wordcount 1358 ~)

Goddess Of Love (Natasha Romanoff X Y/n)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें