xii. legal disputes

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chapter twelve

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chapter twelve.
legal disputes

          Tommy was holding his breath

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Tommy was holding his breath.

He shouldn't have been afraid. He'd worked through the aspects of Peter's suit a million times over before putting it into action, but he never suspected he'd be part of the trial run. If he knew that, maybe he would've checked it a million times and once more because as he felt the air brush back the hair from his face. He was sure he could hear his heart thumping in his ears.

         "Incoming!" Peter yelled as he shot out another web, holding on tightly to his best friend as they slid through a narrow part of an empty sidewalk. Tommy found himself cursing as his fingers raked into the suit, grasping Peter tighter then anything else he'd ever held before. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter then he'd ever pushed something together before. His voice grew louder as he screamed into his best friend's ear. "Peter! I'm gonna fall! Peter, I'm gonna fall!"

"You're not gonna fall!"

A promise spoken too soon.

Peter's third turn came quick. Tommy yelped as he got knocked out of Peter's grip. He didn't have the chance to scream as he felt the familiar feeling of some type of floor be swept out from beneath. But just as he prepared himself, something wrapped around him. Still Tommy kept his eyes shut, tears nearing as he threw his head back. "Please tell my siblings I love them, and you too—have a good life, and May. Dear God, before I die please someone tell her how bad her meatloaf is."

Tommy continued to wait for the fall but still he felt nothing. He cocked his head sideways, opening one eye as he inspected his surroundings but it wasn't until completely looking up to realize where he was. Peter stifled a laugh, pressing a fist to his mouth as he held in his giggle. Tommy still ran nervous. His throat only growing more dry as he realized they were near the top of a building. The web Peter shot out balanced his best friend between his hands. The corners of his lips raised smugly, "Think fast!"

Tommy yelped again as he was thrown forward. Peter yanked upwards, letting loose the web as he wrapped his arms around his best friend's torso. Tommy could feel his heart lurching out of his chest, his curiosity getting the better of him but he refused to look down. He knew it would only do him worse. Instead he pressed a leg onto Peter's stuck one just long enough to push himself onto his back. Peter stiffened at his touch, looking up in a focused way. Tommy could feel his friend's adams apple moving beneath him as he swallowed nervously. He finally croaked uncomfortably, "Tommy. Can't breathe."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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