Chapter 3: Someone Give Charlie A Hug Please (and Neville Too)

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Severus was worried.

The Order had allowed Neville to join under his bounty hunter guise, and while Severus was confident the boy could lie his ass off, he still worried for the boy. He also worried for Jay, being where she was and maintaining a cover was anything but easy. He would know, of course.

But what he hadn't expected was how worried he was for Charlie. He couldn't understand why but maybe it had something to do with it that he was the same age as Jay, and in another world perhaps he would have had a son instead of a daughter.

And besides, it was difficult to not feel for the boy. The bags under his eyes made him wince and it didn't appear like anyone was helping him take care of it either.

He sighed.

When did he become so soft?

"Class dismissed." He called out while grinding his teeth. There had been no injuries today, but not for a lack of his students trying. Honestly, who would throw abraxas feathers into a non-boiling solution? It was as if they were trying to die.

Okay, he did have to be fair, it would probably be a pretty cool explosion.

But not INDOORS.

He wanted to call out for Mr. Potter to stay behind, but it seemed that he'd chosen that by himself. As in, he'd fallen asleep at the table.

He sighed again.

Even now, he looked like he was in pain. The boy's whole body was tense, and he was already starting to twitch.


Charlie knew he should probably have just skipped potions class. He wasn't paying attention at all and hadn't done anything beyond preparing ingredients for his partner. Halfway through the period, his eyes started to droop. He knew he'd end up falling asleep, but he was desperately trying to keep his eyes open.

He knew there was a limit to how often he could get away with falling asleep in class before there would be repercussions, and now, it seemed he'd reached them. In the form of a very cross-looking potions master.

He sheepishly wiped the drool off his chin and looked down. He knew people were expecting better of him, and he didn't know why he was so disturbed by what had happened in the last few months. He knew his dad was disappointed whit how badly he'd taken it and wanted him to toughen up, but Charlie simply had no clue how to deal with it.

He expected a lecture, to be yelled at, or given a detention. What he didn't expect was a soft but firm command to come after all classes were done.

"You mean as a detention sir?"

Professor Snape's brow furrowed deeper, and Charlie thought for a moment that now he was going to get yelled at.

"No, Mister Potter. I have heard from the other professors that you have been having trouble sleeping, is that correct?"

He looked up into Snape's eyes and quickly diverted his gaze again. "Yes sir." Admitting it made him feel like a failure. He was supposed to be the boy savior, a hero, how could he be when he couldn't even get over a few nightmares?

"And has anyone else tried to help you with this... issue?" Snape drawls in his deep nasal tone.

Charlie looked up confused. Helped him? He's supposed to be the one to help others. "No sir, but I can do this on my own."

Snape tilts his head barely noticeably. "And how has that been working for you?"

Charlie blushes and says nothing.

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