Chapter 6: Consequences and Confusion

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Something was off.

The thought popped into Severus' head immediately when Albus sent him on this mission. The vague details, the way the order members kept eying him, it was just wrong.

He thought back and tried to come up with a way they could have been made, but there was nothing he could think of. Unless the Potters were trying something again for 'stealing' their daughter, but he somehow knew it was more serious than that.

While Albus gave the briefing he found himself wondering if he should tell Neville to run, or if the boy could stay. He wanted the boy to remain at Hogwarts because when he left, there would be no going back for a long time if ever.

Eventually, he found himself with two other Oder members exploring a grass field, supposedly searching for a Death eater hide-out. The further they pulled into the forest, the more obvious the distrust in the others showed. Sure, they were good actors, but he'd been a spy since he was 18 years old. However good they were, he was simply better.

He was trying to come up with a plan, a way out, or a reason to leave and check up on Neville. Maybe he could send the boy a message? But no, if he did that at the wrong moment-

The decision was made for him when the coin he wore around his neck began warming up.

"Whatchu doing Snape?" Yiksa asked when he stopped and pulled out the medallion.


Without any further thought, he apparated.

"Shit!" Jameson yelled. "We had him! How did he know?"

"I don't know, but maybe someone tipped him off. That Longbottom kid?" Yiksa said.

"Doesn't matter. We better go inform Albus we lost him." Jameson said with a sneer. Albus was going to be disappointed for sure, and they had just lost their best spy to you-know-who.

"Maybe that Weasley boy can track him, what's his name, Bill?"

Yiksa finds herself nodding. "Good call, we better move fast, if we want to catch him."


Severus landed silently on the floor of a living room. The house was dark and quiet. It wasn't what he'd been expecting at all, after such a message.

He'd expected a fight, blood, and death, not an empty house.

"Jennifer?" He called out, wand at the ready for any hostiles.

When he came to the living room, his heart stopped. "Jennifer!"

He ran over to his girl, who was laying on the floor, foam at her mouth. For half a second he was frozen in horror, but then sprang into action.

He put his fingers to her neck and felt for a pulse. It was there, but sluggish. He next checked her eyes, but was distracted by something poking out of her side. It was white, and stained with blood.

Stained with his daughter's blood.

He pulled it out and stopped the bleeding with an episkey. He knew what this was. And now, he knew how to help her.

He took out his potions kit, enlarged it and with shaking hands summoned a bezoar. He put it in her mouth and began resuscitating her.

It was terrifying in a way he had never experienced before. He'd looked death in the eyes so many times that it didn't really hold any meaning to him anymore. He'd faced torture, death, imprisonment and many other horrors. He'd truly thought that being terrified was something of the past for him.

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