Chapter 11: Down we go

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With a heavy sigh he dragged his packed his trunk for Christmas break to his parents quarters.

Why he was going, he had no idea. Considering the trouble that had happened just to get him to Hogwarts, in his opinion, leaving again for something as silly as a holiday was as stupid as one could get.

Besides, it wasn't like his parents had been fighting any less. Although, since his seizure in class, his mom and dad had been very mysterious about something.

He looked out the window at the students who were making their way to Hogsmead to catch the train back. He would have to travel via portkey to Potter manor.

Charlie found he didn't want to go. The time at Hogwarts had gone by way too fast for his liking and the thought of being stuck with his parents in one household again was stifling at best.

Besides, things would never be the same without having Jennifer standing there waiting for their arrival with her plate of home-made cookies.

"Are you ready to go?"

His dad is standing in the entry way to his dorm room.

"Almost. Where's mom?"

"Oh, she uhh- she went ahead."

Charlie frowns. They always went together. Did they have another fight? "Does it have anything to do with how mom gets sick a lot lately?"

"No, no. Nothing like that." James looks reserved, like he's debating whether or not he wants to tell him something.

"What?" Charlie asks, staring at him questioning.

"We have a little surprise for you, back at home." James hesitates. "I can't tell you what it is here, but I'll explain once we get home. I promise."

"Okay..." Charlie wonders what it is that has his father so anxious.

"You just have to trust me, can you do that?"

He nods.

James waves him over to the portkey and they take off. He's travelled by portkey many times in his life. It used to make him sick for a whole day, but eventually he got over it. Unfortunately, he still sucked at landings.

He fell face down into the frozen ground and it knocked the wind out of him. His dad landed with equal grace, but thankfully for once no one landed on top of him.

"Welcome back."

The sugary-sweet voice send him reeling.

He twisted around and froze at the sight of Jennifer.


Jennifer smiles that fake, horrible smile she always used to wear around them.

"Of course silly! Who else would it be?" She responds with the giddiness that he'd never thought he'd hear again from her. It sounded wrong, he decided. Over the years, he'd learned just how bitter and forceful her voice could get. The high-pitched squeaky voice was wrong in so many ways on her. he was used to her voice being much deeper and louder, unrelenting. Now, she sounded like an overgrown eight-year-old instead of the tall teenager she'd grown into since Charlie had last seen her.

"Would you like a cookie?" She asked cheerfully.

Charlie's mouth hung open. "Dad?" He questioned in distraught.

Jen was fully emerged in kissing Natasha, who was laying on top of her in their bunkbed, when her eyes flickered over Nat's shoulder. She broke the kiss and sat up to look at the robed figure in horror.

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