Chapter 7: Hospitals suck

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With great effort, she blinked her eyes open.

She was met with a white ceiling, and she turned her head towards the annoying beeping that had woken her up. Instead of being met with her alarm clock, it was machinery that she knew only existed outside of the magical world. The beeping was consistent with the pounding in her head, and she moved her hand to her head.

Or she would have if her arms had not been tied to the bed. The heart monitor sped up with her discovery and she looked around frantically for Severus, for anyone, but she was all alone.

She leaned back into her pillow, squeezing her eyes shut and trying to remember how she ended up here.

Her eyes sprang open once more when the curtain to her room (?) was opened. A woman in scrubs came up to her, a device clasped in her hands that reminded her of a cell phone.

"Good morning." She greeted her cheerfully. "How are you feeling?"

It took Jay a moment to find her words, "Uhm, got a pretty nasty headache, but otherwise fine. Why am I here? What happened?"

"Can you tell me your name?"

She's thrown a little at the blatant disregard for her question, but answers anyway, "Jennifer. Jen."

The woman nods and types something on her cell phone thingy.

"Look why am I here? How did I get here?" She demands, her temper getting the better of her. Her head is still pounding, and she hasn't tried to get up again, nausea making sure that if she tried, she'd give the nurse something to clean up.

"The doctor will be here in a few moments; he can tell you more." She moves forward and messes with some of the bags hanging on poles right next to her bed. It's only then that she notices that the wires connected to the bags are going into her arm.

She freaks out a little (it's been a trying week, sue her) but the nurse reassures her that it's only fluids and some other stuff that she has no clue what it's supposed to do.

She doesn't have to wait long before the doctor comes in.

"Good morning, Jen, I'm Dr. Choi." The man in red scrubs introduces himself. "Any chance we can get a last name from you?"

She considers it, but only for a moment. Being a Jane Doe would probably be the best thing right now, with having no clue how many people are looking for her at the moment.

She shakes her head.

"Okay well, when you came in you were in bad shape. We almost lost you once during the night, but your vitals have been stable for the past few hours. Is there anyone we can call for you?"

"No, no one."

"Are you sure?"

She looks away from him and shuts her eyes for a moment. The lights are bright in the room and it's not helping her headache any.

"Can you tell me how old you are?"

"I'm 14. Can you tell me how I got here?" She shoots back.

The man sighs and looks pained. He takes a seat on her bed and puts the tablet he was holding down.

"A man brought you into the ED yesterday evening, said he'd found you on the streets having a seizure. When we brought you in, your heart had almost given out. We had to shock you to put your heart back into the proper rhythm." He explains.

Jen is staring wide-eyed at the man, unsure of what to say at how close to death she'd been.

"We did a tox screen on you, which came back negative. Can you tell me what you took?"

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