Hired to love pt.1 🌈

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Contents; selling and buying human , haters to lovers (a/n: I guess you could say) , Jeongguk is older , Taehyung is younger , will have part two

In Taehyung's Diary..)

Dear diary...
I honestly have no idea where I'm going. I was peacefully over in Busan, and now I'm here on a plane on my way to Seoul. I mean we could drive but no this guy is supposedly fancy? I wonder if he's a snob or Prince Charming. I guess this is what you get for working at Bighit Inc.

(a/n: I know it's not called HYBE but I miss the old name)

I've never written my job here have I?
Well Bighit Inc is a company filled with office workers and each worker has a rate in the section they're assigned too. 4-1 means they have low rates of personality type. 5-7 means they're a bare minimum. And 8-10 means they're the best in the company. 4-1's only get requested every other month, 5-7's get requests every month and cannot deny whether they want to or not, and 8-10's get requested every week and have the right to deny.

It's confusing but you get the hang of it, I'm rated in the 8-10, specifically I'm a 9. I was gonna deny this request but when I heard it was in Seoul I immediately took it. My mom and dad are there, along with my friends Namjoon and Jin.

Jimin is back at Bighit Inc, accompanying his request. He's in the 8-10 too and took this request because his crush, Min Yoongi, was the one who requested Jimin especially. We're used for whatever the masters need us for.

Sometimes we get lucky and get bought off the market. Like if the master falls into love with that person they request, they buy them and get to keep them forever . At least until they break up. If broken off with you go back to the Company and start over to a 4-1.

This is actually my first time being requested so I'm excited but very nervous. I'm a virgin, I've never done anything like this before. I started this job when I moved to Busan..I met Jimin and he got me a job at Bighit Inc. I never wanted it to be permanent but I worked my way to the top and it paid good money so I stayed. I needed it I guess you could say.

Well diary.. I'll come back and write in when I find out who this guy is.


Taehyung shuts the diary and puts it into his bag beside him. Placing his hand onto his dog who sat beside him, Yeontan. "Ahh Yeontan you're lucky this guy let me bring you or else no one would take care of you" Taehyung spoke softly as he began to rub his hand on the fluffy fur.

"And that this is a private jet so you can sit beside me" Taehyung continued to boast to Yeontan. Yeontan licked the males hands just as it was lifted in front of the littles one's face.

Taehyung yawned and settled in on his chair getting prepared for a peaceful nap.


The plane was landing as Taehyung felt his stomach go up into his head making him giggle. "The plane has now landed, you may get off the plane and we will deliver your things once you arrive at the home of Jeon Jeongguk" The speaker then made a ding sound, meaning that it was off.

"J-Jeon J-Jeongguk.." Taehyung stammered with wide eyes. Taehyung got up and picked up Yeontan into his arms.The young red haired male got out of the plane and saw a taxi was waiting for him.

Tae got into the taxi and was driven away. He took out his diary and began to write again...

Dear diary,,

I know I'm not there to the place I'm requested to but MAJOR EMERGENCY! Apparently I'm Jeon Jeongguk's request! Maybe it's a maid in the house that wants me and he works at the Jeon house. I'm freaking out.. the only calming thing about this request is that it's in Seoul. But it isn't enough for me to not freak out. Like what if it is Jeongguk who requested me? What if it's not? He could still see me!

Another thing I forgot to tell you is that the request is always anonymous, but Bighit always keeps us safe because these kinds of requests are always at a high price. Now diary you may ask, why am I so freaked out? Oh because Jeon Jeongguk is my ex.

After getting rich, his family sent me away due to 'wanting to steal money' which was stupid. That's the only reason I moved to Busan in the first place. After Jeongguk discovered I had moved, he flew to Busan and tried to get me to move back but I had told him about his family and I don't want him to get in trouble because of me. I forced him to go back with a little something we call, seducing.

Never went any further. I'm a virgin, remember! We broke it off with each other and it's been almost five years since that day. Not a day goes by without thinking how much I miss him. Here's my destination! Talk to you later!


Taehyung shuts his diary and puts it back into his bag. He moved himself to the window and witnessed a gate opening up. Completely different home from when he knew Jeongguk back then. Well I mean come on they were teens when they were last together. 

They drive down along a light tan covered road to the world's largest house Taehyung has ever seen. Even bigger than the previous house Jeongguk used to live in.

Jeongguk was 2 years older than Tae. They broke up when Tae was 17 and Jeongguk was 19. Now that it's been 5 years, Taehyung is now 22, leaving Jeongguk at the age 24.

The taxi stopped and Tae and Yeontan got out preparing for what was next. Maids and butlers all stacked up in an orderly fashion, like guards. "Sir Taehyung has arrived! Sir Taehyung may be assisted with the help of Jung Hoseok" One of the butlers spoke.

A young male got out of his position from the stairs and steeded off to Tae. 'Maybe this is the guy who requested me?'  Taehyung thought as he watched Hoseok bow, step aside and put his arm out the opposite direction of Tae.

"Shall we?" Hoseok spoke formally. Hoseok began to walk and Tae followed behind.

The two entered the mansion as tension filled Taehyung's ears. Nervous sweat overtaking his palms. The tension was then broken as Hoseok spoke so formally.

"So Tae you do know you missed a lot, you may not know me but I'm Jeongguk's brother. Surely you know him, the two of you dated back in the past. In fact he's the one who requested you, not I. If that's what you were thinking"

Taehyung lost his breath as he continued to walk in shock. His head getting lost into a headspace mindset. 'Why did HE request me?' Tae began to think.

"J-Jeongguk never told m-me he had a brother" Taehyung spoke lightly, after shaking his head back to reality. "Well I was off doing business, I am older after all" Hoseok chuckled at the shy Taehyung.

"If I may ask- if you know? Why did Jeongguk request me?" Taehyung said, still walking with his head down, hiding the blush from his cheeks that were furiously pink. The feeling began to take to his neck.

"I don't know that answer, but I know it has something to do with the past '' Hoseok finally stopped walking after what seemed like forever. "Jeongguk should be in here, please just knock" Hoseok said after turning around to face Taehyung who was shyly looking at the floor admiring the tan-ish marble.

"And Yeontan? Where is he!?" Taehyung panicked once he discovered Yeontan wasn't at his side. "Calm down Taehyung he's with our butler Seokjin" Hoseok said lightly, touching Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung's ears perked once he heard the name 'Seokjin' , the name ringing a bell. Before he could ask anything about the known name Hoseok was walking off to attend to his other duties.

"Seokjin? Why is Jin here?"" Taehyung whispered to himself. He shook it off and got the bigger picture, Jeongguk was the one who requested him. Not the maids nor the butlers. But him.

Taehyung was struggling to knock, his hand so close to the door. His legs were screaming at him to just run out of the mansion. But his hand beat him to it. His eyes widened once he discovered he had knocked on the door unconsciously.

"Well that was hard to watch" a voice spoke from behind him. The owner of the voice sounded all too familiar. The young male turned around slowly and saw the unexpected.

"H-hi J-Jeonggukie"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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