Chapter 4: Mercadona's back door

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Licorice had already told Espresso what had happened, and he agreed that Panettone had been there. The two of them had set out to find her, so they began to walk aimlessly as attentively as hunters do when they go hunting.

-Licorice, I think she's just gone because she's done her part," said Espresso.

-NO, NO AND NO! SHE WOULDN'T LEAVE US IN THE STALL LIKE THAT! Besides, how else do you explain the shopping list, nobody is so stupid as to go shopping and not realize that she doesn't have the list?-You are right..." Espresso argued.

They both continued walking with Bat-Cat at their heels and listening to the whole conversation. He had seen it all, he knew what had happened to the girl, but he didn't want to say it because he preferred his owner to rescue him in a heroic way and earn some points. The two cookies kept walking and came to a door.

-Where will this door lead to," Licorice asked.-No idea, it doesn't have any inscription or anything. We'd better go in and see for ourselves," Espresso commented.

They opened the door at the same time and entered. It turned out to be the exit to an alley. Then Espresso commented:

-Well, there doesn't seem to be anything here...Greetings, I am the wonderful camel Mario M. and these are my henchmen," interrupted a short brown-haired, brown-eyed cookie who looked like an Oompa Loompa.-You have the opportunity to join us in our cult and our mafia, or else... you will die! You will die," exclaimed Mario M. with an evil laugh.-Where is Panettone, confess!" Licorice asked bravely, stepping forward.-Panettone? Who is that? I don't know who that is, but we have nothing to do with that cookie," asked Mario M. confused.-In that case, we're leaving," said Espresso, grabbing Licorice to take him away.-You two are going to stay here," Mario M. said.

Then, two of Mario M.'s henchmen took a bottle and hit Licorice and Espresso with it. The bottles shattered and both of them were wounded, and with the blow, both of them ended up unconscious.

Licorice Cookie goes to Mercadona 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora