Chapter 5: Time to flee

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When Licorice woke up, he realized he was trapped in a cell like a dog. He looked beside him, and saw Espresso unconscious, bleeding from the head.

-Espresso whispered to him as he shook him.

-Espresso?" he asked, frightened when he saw that he didn't wake up.-Espresso?

Then Espresso slowly woke up.

-What happened?" he asked in a daze.-Those gangsters, Mario M. and his gang, hit us with some bottles on the head, remember?" Licorice explained.-AAAAG! My head hurts a lot, I hope those fucking gangsters die. - Espresso said angrily. -We have to get out of here," said Licorice looking around.

Then, Mario M. appeared talking on the phone with a guy.

-NO, NO, NO! I'm telling you that for 500,000 euros, if not nothing! That yes, they are in good condition, a goth and a nerdy know-it-all. Ok, for 500,000 in an hour at the usual place. Bring a muzzle, they look aggressive. Okay, so far, and don't forget the password.-Well, you two, I sold you to a guy who needs young people like you, be good boys and don't make a fuss, or else... -He said taking a submachine gun.

Licorice and Espresso swallowed saliva and then Licorice realized that Bat-Cat was not there. Bat-Cat had gone to get something to free them, and he was looking for it. Then Mario M. said to them:

-Here, have something to eat first.- He told them passing them some bread and a kind of brown paste with a fork.-I'm going, stay still.

When Mario M. left, Licorice asked Espresso:

-Do you have any idea how to escape from here?-Yes, pass the fork. It did me some good to hang out with Red Velvet when I went to school," he said, taking the fork Licorice handed him and bending it.

Then, he fitted the fork into the lock and to Licorice's surprise, it worked. The door crept open and they both stepped outside. Then:

-STOP THERE! YOU BELONG TO ME!" shouted Mario M. emerging from the corner with a fat, brown-eyed, blond-haired cookie who seemed to have a lot of money. 

Then, Mario M. took the gun from his pocket and shot Espresso. But that bullet never hit Espresso. When they opened their eyes they saw Madeleine.

-Did I get there in time, my love," he asked Espresso.-Yes, but don't call me my love in public," said Espresso blushing.-Okay... Espresso, Licorice stay behind, I'll take care of this.

Then, with great skill, Madeleine wielded his sword and fought against Mario M. and the fat man until he defeated them. Espresso then approached Madeleine and said:

-Thank you very much for coming, take this as a reward.- He said and immediately after, he gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Madeleine blushed and then said:

-Goodbye Licorice, goodbye my sweet Espresso.-Goodbye," Licorice said goodbye.-See you at home later," Espresso said goodbye.-Well, let's go on," said Licorice.

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