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December 1st, 1984

DJ's Point of View

"Are you ready?" George asked me.

"I should be asking you." I watched him struggle to pull two suitcases and his backpack out of our room. I giggled and took one of the suitcases. "You should've told me you needed help."

"I'm a big boy." He winked.

"I think you just want to impress me."

He shook his head, but I figured I was right.

We were going on vacation for Christmas break. Believe it or not, it started today. I would've thought it started on the twenty third, like my high school, or something.

I assumed they were having everyone come back later because everybody would be getting drunk on New Year's Day. Especially the professors, and I doubt anybody would be in good condition to come back and start learning the next day.

George and Andrew had decided to have a fun "family" vacation during the holidays. And what better place to go to than Switzerland?

I decided to invite Amanda too. Since she and I no longer worked at the restaurant, I knew she'd be available to come stay with us. She and I still talked a bunch, of course. Otherwise I wouldn't have invited her.

It took George and Andy a while to find somewhere that would first of all, be a pretty spot, and secondly to find somewhere to stay. But George was the first to find something called a chalet. It's basically a larger version of a cabin, but it has the same cozy feel. It had the perfect amount of bedrooms thankfully. George and I would need our own room.

And honestly, even more so with Andrew and Jeena.


I hoped they could either keep it quiet or cleanish this vacation. Especially with her family around.

We got down the elevator somewhat successfully and met everybody downstairs.

"Wait, babe." I saw something in my bag. I smirked, knowing he didn't even thing about it. "Look what you almost forgot."

He turned around and frowned. "Oh, I would've been disappointed if I left that."

I kissed his cheek and put it in his carryon. "We're gonna have so much fun."

"Did I tell you how much snow there is?" He asked.

I waited for him to get in the car so I could reply. "Well you made us go out to get snow boots and heavy coats. I figured it wouldn't be too tropical."

We met with everybody at the airport. I had to count people to make sure we weren't forgetting anyone. "This is a big group."

We followed George who was in a disguise to wherever our private jet was. I suggested to him and Andy that they could just keep the disguises while we went on a normal airplane. But George's number one reason was because they "have the money." Andrew said they would both forget they're supposed to be hidden and take everything off once they got too warm in their hats and jackets.

The inside was quite luxurious, and roomy. We had to take two flights, since we couldn't get a direct to our location in Switzerland. It's a little town called Saas-Fee.

We had to make a stop in Paris in order to get to another part of Switzerland, Geneva. Then we'd take a two hour train ride there. It was going to be a lot of traveling for all of us.

We had already gotten snacks. Tons and tons of them. In no time we were already taking off. My stomach had this weird feeling in it, and made squeezed George's hand.

He chuckled. "Nervous?"

"Are you not?" I asked stupidly.

"Babe, I've been on many planes." He wrapped his arm around mine and squeezed my hand again. "Go to sleep, we were up all night. You must be tired."

I giggled and lied my head on his shoulder. He must've been tired too, we were shaking it up in the bedroom for a long time since we knew we wouldn't have too much alone time.

I had woken up a little more than halfway through the flight when George had woken me to tell me I could make the seat go back. I had no idea there was anything like that on a plane. Where you could recline the seat all the way back.

And the rest of the way was quite smooth. When we landed in Paris, it took us maybe thirty minutes before we got onto our last flight, which was only an hour.

But the trip wasn't done yet, of course. The train ride was the last part of our traveling.

I was actually happy I had slept so much, because I couldn't wait to see the scenery from the train. I just knew it would be beautiful.

"Mom, look at those!" I pointed to the faraway mountains you could see from the airport.

"I know, they're so pretty." She smiled.

During the train ride, I couldn't stop staring out the window. Even if I tried to occupy myself with another activity, I just couldn't do it. It was around two in the afternoon, according to my watch. It wasn't snowing at the moment, which I was happy about. I would've started worrying about the train's stability, and then I would've worried George because I was worried...

Jeena and Andrew were sitting in the seats infront of us, so since we faced each other, Jeena and I played a few games of tick tack toe with napkins and a pen from George's bag.

"Should we find a place to eat after we get there? Or are we just relaxing?" I asked.

"I'm not sure how many places could fit us all. It's a small town." George said.

"But it's an adorable small down. Anyway, I'm sure they have something. We just have to do some exploring."

"We haven't done anything like that before." Jeena said to me.

"George hasn't either," Andrew said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" George started getting defensive. "I explore."

Andy barked a laugh. "You don't stop to look around much. You're always focused on the work you have to do. Maybe this is your chance to relax."

"Maybe I don't explore..." he mumbled.

When the train came to a stop, my pulse started racing. I could not wait to get to our chalet. Quite honestly, I just wanted to build a few snowman.

And boy, look at the snow.

To Save Me From Tears - SEQUEL ONEWhere stories live. Discover now