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January 4th, 1985

DJ's Point of View

I called everybody who went on vacation with us to come over, (besides Jimmy of course) because George and I had news to share. I was so nervous to show everybody my engagement ring.

I was worried Jeena would get annoyed like I was trying to take away the attention of her wedding in a few months. I really wasn't, and it wasn't my fault George proposed when he did. I couldn't have said no anyway...

But I didn't feel it was right to hide the engagement. It would probably cause more problems then.

I was in George and I's room when George knocked on the wall and came in. "They're all here. We're waiting for you."

I stood up and took a deep breath. Sure I didn't know what my parents would think mainly because I haven't known them for that long. But I hoped they would be supportive, of course. I was turning nineteen in a few days.

George hugged me, noticing I was anxious. "Relax. Hey, I love my ring by the way."

"I'd hope you like it. You picked it out." I said.

He held out his hand, showing the thicker gold ring that was almost the same as mine. Mine was just thinner, had the same gold color, and a diamond on it.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach. "It's starting to sink in," I said.

"What?" He took my hand.

"That we're getting married." I suddenly got very giddy.

He chuckled, and we walked out to the living room.

I gave everybody welcoming hugs since It had been a while since we'd talked to them. George and I did our best to hide the rings, and it seemed to work. Nobody noticed.

"How's the wedding planning going?" I asked Jeena.

"Man, I'm still stuck on some things. I need your help. You are my maid of honor, after all."

I laughed and went back over to George.

"So why did you invite us all over?" My mom asked.

"Yeah, tell us!" Andrew said.

"Okay," George started talking first. "Back in Switzerland when you all left, a very special event happened on New Years."

"You gave her the New Years kiss She's been wanting since ninth grade?" Jeena asked.

I scoffed. "Keep your mouth shut, miss. And for the record, I did get my New Years kiss. Anyway..." I cleared my throat. "I'm not sure how long he'd planned this for- hey, how long had you been thinking about it?"

"Well the idea of it, since we met," he stood closer to me. "But actually doing it, before we left for vacation."

"Would you tell us what you're talking about already?" Andrew asked. "The suspense is killing us."

I stuck out my hand eventually to reveal the ring. It took a while for it to process for everybody. I was still so worried Jeena would get annoyed and storm off or something.

However, she was the first one to do anything. She stood up and almost started screaming. "My best friend is engaged!!!"

Everybody started cackling when she aggressively hugged me. "We're both getting married!!!"

"I know!" I shook my head, returning the same amount of energy she had.

From behind us Andrew and George were hugging it out. "You've got guts after all! Good on you, Yog. I'm proud of you." he ruffled his hair.

"Thanks, Andy." He was a little flustered, but it was adorable.

My mom had tears in her eyes coming up to me. "Man, first I lose you for over half of your life, and now my baby has a fiancé."

I squeezed her in my arms. I felt so terrible suddenly and felt tears forming in my closed eyes.

"I'm so happy for you, honey." She kissed my forehead and took my hand. "Gosh, it's such a beautiful ring!"

I looked over to see George and my dad talking. I gulped, listening to their conversation.

"You're a good man George," he said. "I can tell you're perfect for my daughter. And, thank you for taking care of her while we were gone-"

"Hey!" Jeena overheard. "I was the one who took care of her. George didn't bring himself into her life until later. Although, he did give her a few extra pleasures I couldn't."

Laughter exploded in the room, and Jeena ran to George and I's room and came back with my Kodak. "Somebody take a photo of us with our rings. I wanna cherish this moment.

My dad took it and Jeena put an arm around me and stuck out her left hand. I was taken by surprise but eventually, put mine next to hers and smiled. I hoped that they would turn out well, and neither of us would close our eyes.

"Wait," I said when my dad took the picture. "Andy, come here and get a picture with Jeena."

He came over and put his arms around her from behind. He rested his head on her head comfortingly and gave a soft smile. It was one of the most adorable things I'd ever seen from them. I took the photo as fast as I could before something could change in their position. Jeena had the proudest smile on her face.

"Now it's your turn." Jeena stole the camera from my hands. "George, get over here and take a photo with your fiancè."

He smiled and came over to me. At first, I thought we'd do something similar to what Jeena and Andrew did, but George really went the dramatic route. He held me tight and swung me over low to dip me just like what he had done on Christmas. I giggled a few times before putting my hands on his face to kiss him.

Even after the flash went off, George held me there for a few more seconds, enjoying the moment.

"Now everyone get out!" George shouted playfully. "DJ and I have sexual business to take care of in the bedroom."

My mouth dropped open and I started to laugh. nervously. It didn't take long for everybody to leave as quickly as possible.

I turned to George, giving him a sly smirk. He chuckled and picked me up, letting me wrap my legs around him.

This was going to be fun.

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