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December 25th, 1984

I woke up to the sun shining through a crack in the curtains. I rolled around for a little while on the big bed, until I finally decided to get up and get myself ready. It was Christmas Day, and time to celebrate. We weren't opening gifts until after dinner tonight, so I'm sure for now we were gonna do some fun activities.

I threw on some jeans and a sweater, keeping my hair down. I brushed it out lightly since it didn't need much work.

I walked out at around ten and saw Jeena sitting at the kitchen table. "Merry Christmas!"

She jumped up into my arms. I shook my head smiling. "You goof. Merry Christmas."

"There's still a few people sleeping. I guess we sure had stuffed ourselves good last night. Let's just hope they don't start hibernating."

I laughed and went to the fridge to get myself something small to eat. I really wasn't all too hungry since Jeena was right. We were all starving last night and probably ate more than we should've. If that's how Christmas Eve dinner went, I couldn't wait to see how tonight's dinner would go.

I decided to save wearing the broach for dinner. I hoped George wouldn't go snooping in my area of the bedroom and take it back.

Soon everybody was filing into the living room, so Jeena and I walked there. Everybody was dressed and seemed ready for an adventure.

"Merry Christmas!" Was said amongst everybody.

"Where are we going, Andrew?" I asked him.

"We're going on top of a mountain. Ten thousand feet up. Grab some hand warmers, everybody. It's gonna get cold."

It took a while to find the actual ski lift, but from there we went up a gondola to a higher location. I wasn't getting dizzy but I did notice slightly that my breathing was shallower.

I stayed with Amanda the whole time, and I knew people were getting suspicious as to why I was so far from George. At least, the ones who didn't know we weren't a couple anymore.

I'm glad nobody had asked about it though. I'd have to lie and say that we were fine because I didn't want to make Christmas Day awkward.

Even though it already was.

Going up the mountain was so pretty. The snow that didn't cover the rock made everything seem black and white, and it was almost strange. Like I was color blind, or something.  Everything did have a bit of a bluish tint, though.

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(A/N): These are actual photos of the gondola ride up the mountain when I went to visit the Last Christmas film location! :)

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(A/N): These are actual photos of the gondola ride up the mountain when I went to visit the Last Christmas film location! :)

When we made it to the top, there was a little gift stop nearby. But first we walked on the wooden path to look around at the mountain.

Since we were up so high, the clouds made everything a bit foggy. But from what we could see, it was so pretty. I suddenly felt like I was in a whole new world. Sure, walking around the village was a different and amazing experience, but this moment was so much different.

"It's windy up here." Jeena walked over to me.

I was squeezing my hand warmers. "Yeah. I guess we could go back down. Maybe if there isn't too much snow we can go sledding or something. There's a pretty hefty hill at the chalet."

After some more photos were taken with tiny cameras, we went back down the gondola and shimmied our way back to the cabin.

Before going back out into the snow we went inside and warmed up for a few minutes. My dad kept the fire going, and my mom started on planning dinner.

I went back out with Jeena and a few other people not long later.

I started making a big snowman, and Jeena helped me make the other balls of snow for the body. Amanda started helping by going to try and find sticks, or other materials to make a face.

After getting some help from Jeena's brother to lift the last ball onto the snowman, he went back inside to warm up. His gloves had snow in them
And his hands were getting numb.

I looked over to see where Amanda was, and she was talking to George.

My heart sank a little. I couldn't really tell but I think he looked over at me to see what I was doing. They were close to the chalet while Jeena and I were farther away, which is why it was harder to see.

It wasn't too hard to see how close their faces were to each other.

Jeena was watching my gaze too. She grabbed my hand. "She wouldn't do something like that..."

I swallowed hard.

His arm went around her waist. But I could see she was tense and uncomfortable.

Amanda's Point of View

"You're pretty, you know that?"

Gosh. His face was gorgeous...

No. Stop. This is so messed up, I can't do this to DJ.

As cute and attractive George was, I couldn't let him do anything. I knew he was only doing this to make DJ jealous. She just so happened to be looking at us.

I felt an arm go around me, and I got stiff. "Do not touch me."

"Why not?" He asked. I could feel his breath on my nose. "You're blushing. I think you like me."

I huffed. Before he could try to kiss me I slapped him as hard as I could in the face. "You are an asshole."

DJ's Point of View

What escaped from my mouth was a weird laugh.

Jeena was next to me cackling. "He deserves that."

I was shaking my head watching her trudge through the snow back to us. She sighed. "I'm sorry. I promise I don't have anything going on with him."

"I know," I said. "I'm sure you wouldn't have hit him like that if you were dating. And man, the echo that slap made. I'm sure that'll leave a mark."


We finished making the snowman and something hit the back of my head.

I turned around and saw Jimmy had come back out and made snowballs.

I couldn't help but smirk.

Not long later it became chaotic, and we were all having a snowball fight.

To Save Me From Tears - SEQUEL ONEWhere stories live. Discover now