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Tears continued to spill down my face as there was nothing I could do. In that moment, I was about to look like a dirty cheater.

George's Point of View

When I walked out of the bathroom to go to DJ and I's bedroom, my eyes caught a horrifying sight.

I wondered if I was dreaming, but I never remembered going to bed.

My emotions seemed all too real anyway.

DJ was... kissing Jeena's little brother.


"DJ?" I croaked.

The way Jimmy was touching her made me outraged. None of them said anything, continuing their make out.

I ran into our bedroom and slammed the door, letting tears fall from my eyes. How could this have happened? I wondered. How long had this been going on?

Did DJ lie to me?

I had too many questions going through my head at once. It was so overwhelming I almost created a hole in the wall.

Wouldn't have been the first time.

DJ's Point of View.

He wouldn't step away for a long time. I knew he felt the tears on my face. It was getting hard to breathe...

He let up soon enough and I let out a sob, to which he covered my mouth. "Quiet down. People are trying to sleep." He hushed.

I bit his hand. He almost yelped out, but bit his lip. "What the hell was that?"

I ran away from him and to a different bathroom so he wouldn't find me. I sat in the bathtub and tried to make as little sound as I could. I hadn't even turned on the light, and I didn't plan to. The door was locked in case he tried to come in. Or anybody. I didn't want to look at anyone in the face right now.

December 5th, 1984

"Hello? Is somebody in here?"

I woke up to continuous knocking on the door. It frightened me a bit but I eventually found the power to stand up.

My back was sore from sleeping in the tub, and I was a little cold.

I unlocked the door after more struggles from the other side trying to open it.

I rubbed my eyes once I got the door opened and found my mom on the other side. "Are you okay dear? You were in there for a while."

"I'm fine." I said, walking past her so she didn't ask any other questions.

I braced myself as I walked down the hall, hoping I wouldn't see George.

Jeena, my dad, Andrew and Amanda were sitting at the dining room table.

"Hey Deej," my dad said. "Where's George?"

I said nothing, and walked into the kitchen to find something to eat.

If my stomach could handle it.

I went over to the sink and stared out the window. It was sunny, so the snow glowed and sparkled on the mountains. It was so pretty I'd almost forgotten about my problem.

I heard footsteps coming up from behind me, and I tensed up. I was praying that it wasn't Jimmy.

A hand was placed onto my shoulder comfortingly and spun me around slowly. I let my breath go when I saw it was Amanda.

"I'm gonna ask you something," she said. "Because we are all freaking out now."

I waited for her to speak again.

"Is George... dead?"

"What? No!" I spazzed.

I hoped he wasn't, at least.

"Oh," she sighed. "Okay, good. Then what's wrong?"

I didn't say anything again because my throat started to hurt. I couldn't stop the tears that were welling in my eyes.

"Oh, honey..."

I put my hands on my face and wept quietly. Amanda put her arms around me and rubbed my back. "Tell me what happened."

I went over to the wall and slid my back down it until I was sitting on the floor. I took a minute to get my breathing back to normal so I didn't sob between every word.

She sat down across from me and waited for me to speak.

So I told her everything. Mostly.

From when George left me to do his business in the bathroom, to me walking to our bedroom, then...

I couldn't bring myself to tell her what Jimmy had done. It was like something was stuck in my throat.

She stood up and got me water, because I guess she could tell my mouth was dry.

When I put the glass down she took my hand. "You can tell me what happened. I'm not gonna freak out."

I wasn't so sure about that.

"He...," I paused. "He threw me against the wall and kissed me. He wouldn't let go of me. And then, and then... George saw."

I started crying again. I couldn't forgive myself for not at least trying to beat the living shit out of him.

Amanda's eyes went wide. "Oh," she said. "Oh boy."

I shook my head. "Why on earth did we believe him when he said he was matured? Why?"

"Because he seemed pretty sincere. Even George was quite sympathetic."

"Of all people." My voice thickened.

"DJ, you have to tell him." She told me. "He'll forgive you. He'll understand that that scumbag is no good."

"I can't!" I yelled. "And you can't say this to anybody. Not a word. Please, you have to keep this conversation a secret."

She sighed and shook her head. "Boy, if I was stronger I'd be telling everybody here."

I smiled a bit.

"Heya, George!" Somebody yelled.

My heard sank. "I can't go out there. I can't face him."

"Why? Did you enjoy what Jimmy did to you?" She seemed a little disgusted.

"No!" I said. "I just can't let him see how ashamed I am that I let him to that."

"Deej, have you seen how big that kid got?" Amanda asked. "I don't think any of us ladies could take him down. Well, maybe Jeena, because she's his sister. But I want you to figure out how to tell him this. Because you can't let this go on for too long. It's Christmas, for crying out loud. We're supposed to have fun."

I stayed silent, staring at the floor and playing with my fingers. "I don't know if I should tell Jeena or not."

She stood up and helped me too. "I think that should be your first priority, if not George."

To Save Me From Tears - SEQUEL ONEWhere stories live. Discover now