Flashback Moments

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Warning this Chapter includes sexual and intimate moments.

Tatiana Point of View

8 months ago during a passionate moment.

Your eyes flutter open, adjusting for a moment as you look out into the dark room. You lie there for a minute to get your bearings, aware of faint light from outside just beginning to brighten up the windows. You crane your neck to look at the clock — yeah, it's early. Dawn must just be breaking.

You're in bed, becoming aware of your husband Michael behind you, as you're turned away from him, feeling his skin on your back and butt.

You replay the events of last night, which culminated in not just sex, but quite the sexual experience. Michael treated you to a proper shagging for sure, rough and noisy in spells, but the lengthy episode was complete with plenty of foreplay, fantastic oral, risqué commentary, and an orgasm for the ages. You smile and softly giggle as you recall a few particular positions you got yourselves into. You didn't start out in the bedroom... come to think of it, you didn't, ahem, finish in here either, but you do remember flopping down with him after you both got off. Damn good thing it's the weekend and you don't have to get up for a while... you wore each other out last night.

Settling backwards a bit, you press yourself into Michael's warm body. Becoming aware that you're completely naked under the covers, you can't help yourself, and wiggle a little bit to try to determine if he is too.

Stirring slightly, he mumbles and whispers, "you awake?"

"Mmm-hmm..." you reply, and now you know it's okay to reach around behind you to touch him since you know he's not sound asleep. You squirm around onto your back, snuggling your side up to him, one of your boobs getting uncovered by the sheet that's slipping. You can tell he's naked, too, as his shoulders are uncovered, and your hand glides across his hip and thigh. Oh, and, since he's still turned toward you, that's his dick pinned against your side... whoa, his hard dick! You giggle at the sensation and the implication, wiggling against it as he turns onto his back... slowly enough that you catch him eyeing your uncovered breast. Even though it's still pretty dark in the room, you can clearly make out the bulge under the sheet that's the only thing covering his lower half. You stretch your arms above your head, feet tangling in the covers and pulling them down further, allowing him to take in the view of both of your bare tits.

You grab the sheet and pull it down and toward you, completely exposing him. To your delight, his penis is had as a pole, pointed straight up his body, the engorged head hovering above his navel. Morning wood, you tell yourself with a bawdy smile.

Ooooh..." you purr, turning toward Michael and laying your head on his chest, looking down at the marvelous boner that's giving you flashbacks to last night. "Someone's... up." You reach for it and touch the shaft lightly with just a finger, making it twitch. Pushing on it, you confirm that it's as hard as it looks. "Good morning," you whisper, "... wood." Encircling it gently with your thumb and forefinger, you giggle once more. "Good — morning wood! Hee hee."

"Mmmm, sorry," Michael says sleepily. "Happens to the best of us."

"Don't be sorry." You pet it with just a couple fingers. "This is the best of you."

Yes, you are aware that was an incredibly sexist comment, saying out loud that the best part of a member of the opposite sex is the excitement and erotic pleasure you can derive from his naughty bits, not his personality or intellect. You didn't mean it that way, but it was lewd... and it's funny to think that since you're a chick you can get away with it.

Staring at Michael's wonderful cock in the dim morning light, you gently run your finger along the rigid shaft. Pointed right at your face, you make out the slit of his dick hole at the tip, gliding your thumb on either side. You trace around the head with your fingertips and knuckles, careful not to scrape him with your nails. After running the back of your hand underneath it, which is the top of his dick as he's lying on his back, you raise it and let it drop a few times, admiring the way it bounces once and then immediately returns to its hovering angled position.

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