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Tanyshea Point of View

Sage can you stop moving I am trying to see the tv." Throwing a wad of paper he way to get her to move."

Why the hell would you do that for." Sage looks at me while eating a honeybun and drinking a soda pop." Because I trying to see the part of martin and pam spying and exposing monique."

Well next time don't have your big pineapple head in the way." I say to her and she looks back at me with a i will f you up if I said that again look on her face." Not to mention she 5'1 and I'm 5'9."

Then someone comes in and it's Gigi." Have you guys looked at the news together." She walked in the living room with a bag full of food and snacks."

Nope.! Me and Sage Said with the p poppin."

Well Did you know um-" she is literally beating around the bush." SPIT IT OUT ME AND SAGE YELL."

Dang yall don't have to be so mean and rude." Then tell us then sage talking with food in her mouth."

Sage swallow your food plz". Tanyshea said with a disgust look on her face."

Shut up." Sage said while looking at me then she looks back at gigi." Then she turns back at me and then we start arguing."

Can I talk please." Gigi shouts."

We both snap out and look back at gigi." Finally She Shakes her hands."

Well Michael And Tatiana Are Getting A divorce." She saids with a sad look."

Me and Sage Have Both shocked looks on our face." What the hell are you talking about we both shakes our heads."


Tatiana Point of View

I stay silent as I pull the phone away former on my ear rubbing the bridge of nose furrowing my eyebrows. I slowly put the phone back to my ear as I open my eyes.

I been trying to called you and you haven't been answering me Michael." I am still at the studio I been up since yesterday evening making, producing,recording, ." You don't understand that tho."

Well your daughter wanted to see you and she was crying to me all night because you were supposed gonna spend time with her." I said in an annoyed slightly angry voice."

I will be there by 5 okay." He said with a deep low voice and then he hangs up." Asshole I whispered."

I literally am sick and tired of his bs." I get up and a get a glass of water and sit down by the fireplace." I glances my eyes up and look at the family photos and my then my 8 carat diamond crystal engagement ring." Is this really gonna be over. I think myself should I keep having sex with denzel I think to my self."

I am sorry this is short but I have the flu."

End Of Chapter

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