It's Okay to Cry--Muffychu

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It's Okay to Cry

A Muffychu oneshot (Minx x Puffy x Nikki) 

By: Waffle :] 

TW: Very slight cursing, crying


Where the hell is she?! Minx thought as she peeked into several rooms of the huge, ever-so-slightly rocking pirate ship.

I came to visit to see her, not to search for her.

It was dinner time and Puffy had a dinner planned (as she stated, at least), but of course, once the time came around, she was nowhere to be seen. The kids were beginning to get restless and Minx and Nikki were starting to get worried.

"How many rooms does this ship have?!" Minx exclaimed, exhausted. 

Nikki smiled sympathetically at Minx. "It's a big ship for a big family, I guess,"

Minx rolled her eyes in purposeful frustration, but you could see the worried look in her eyes.

"I swear we'll all starve to death before we find her!" Minx shouted to the sky, plopping on a barrel that was conveniently on the ground next to her.  "And we both know if we try to cook, Puffy will be pissed at us for doing her dinner, or the ship will burn down. Give or take." 

"Oh hush, we'll find her. Now stop complaining and help me look," Nikki said, giving Minx a look. Minx sighed heavily and heaved herself off the barrel.

She wandered down a flight of stairs with led to a corridor of more rooms. She lazily cracked the doors open of each room, checking for any sign of the sheep.

Right as Minx was about to leave, she checked the final door, expecting to find nothing, but to her surprise, she could hear soft crying from inside the room. She opened the door more to reveal a curled-up girl. Her hair was curly; white and brown hair that looked so heavy on her head. Her horns stood proudly on top of her soft curls and her ears drooped down the side of her head sadly.

A wave of sympathy and worry hit Minx head-on.

She turned her head to the sound of quiet footsteps to see Nikki approaching behind her. Minx could tell by the sad look on Nikki's face that she too had heard the crying.
They both quietly entered the room, both sitting next to different sides of the weeping girl.

"Hey.. are you alright?" Nikki said in that oh-so-gentle tone that could hypnotize anyone who heard it.
Puffy lifted her head, immediately wiping her face.

"O-Oh, I didn't see you there.. hey.." Puffy responded quietly, sniffling and swallowing back more tears that dared slip out. "W-Why are you guys here..?" Puffy asked softly, the obvious pain in her strained voice.

"Well, you went missing, and like the wonderful and amazing simps we are, we decided to come to rescue you from whatever could've kidnapped you," Minx replied with a sarcastic tone. 

Minx's heart warmed when Puffy giggled softly, smiling through her glistening eyes. Minx knew Puffy wasn't alright, but she still tried to lighten the mood. After all, laugher is the best medicine.

"I-I'm sorry for going missing I just..- I guess I just needed some time to myself. I've just been stressed lately and I've been thinking a lot and I keep getting bad memories of the past and- I-I guess I kinda just broke down.." Puffy's voice broke; you could tell she was choking down tears.

Nikki immediately engulfed her in a big hug, burying her face into Puffy's shoulder.

"It's okay to cry.." Nikki said, her voice muffled but still auditable.

Those simple words. That's all it took from Nikki's soft, comforting voice and loving nature for someone to break down all over again.
Puffy clung onto Nikki, letting soft tears flow down her tainted cheeks. Her tears with silent; silent but strong.

Even the strongest can break down. Minx never truly realized how much Puffy has been through. She's heard a brief summary of her past, but nothing too personal. But now she understood. One simple memory of the bad past could tear her apart. And it broke Minx's heart. It broke both their hearts to see this strong, Independent, beautiful single mother who seemed like she could do anything break down into Nikki's comforting, delicate arms like glass shattering on hardwood floor. 

Minx felt the need to hug Puffy as well, and she did.

They sat there, on the hard floor of a downstairs room, all tangled up into one big hug. It was quiet, but the silence was welcome. It was a silence that said "everything's gonna be okay,"
And it was.

Because they had each other.

And they will cry together, laugh together, and live together. And yes, they might be torn apart. They might be stripped of their love or lives, stripped of freedom and memories, or even stripped of trust and happiness.

They weren't just friends. They weren't just lovers. They were just them, and that's what truly mattered.

Because everyone cries sometimes, and that's okay.

It's okay to cry. 

It's okay to cry
~Written by Waffle :]~

Please ignore any typos lol. 

I was bored and I decided to make a wholesome Muffychu moment bc why not. 

I hope it was worth your time :] 

Requests?                      ----------> 

Make sure to drink some water and eat something today! Love you all <3 


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