Lonely Nights in Las Nevadas--Karlnapity Angst

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Art Credits: Can't find credits :( 

This story is based on the picture  :] 

Lonely Nights in Las Nevadas--Karlnapity (Karl x Sapnap x Quackity) 

AU: Canon/DSMP World/AU (Does not follow lore completely). 


Written by: Waffle :] 

TW: Slight cursing, crying, mentions of/slight dr1nking, mentions of sm0king, mentions/thoughts of death, intrusive/negative thoughts. 

This is Angst :') 


Quackity was not one to express his emotions. 

He usually kept to himself. He took things seriously and professionally, unlike certain people. 

Quackity couldn't understand why some people didn't take things seriously. With everything that has happened, he would expect people to shimmy away into hiding and try to avoid conflict as much as possible. But no, people still fought and more conflict kept happening every day. Idiots. 

He didn't need anyone. He was perfectly fine on his own and his country. Quackity had decided to completely give up on friendships or relationships. Not after everything that's happened to him. It was better to only have co-workers or allies instead of friends or lovers. Growing attachments to people only made it hurt more when they left, and Quackity knew plenty about that. 

Everyone he loved left him. Everyone he thought he could trust betrayed him. 

He thought he was used to it. That he was used to people leaving so it wouldn't hurt so much when they actually did. 

What he didn't know was how much it would hurt when they left. 

He'd been in a fair share of toxic relationships; romantic and platonic. But this- It hurt way more than he thought it would. 

Who is this mysterious "they", you ask? Well, Quackity used to be engaged. 

Not to a girl, and not to a single person. Quackity got engaged to two men; his best friends. It was a Polyamorous relationship, and everything was great.

 None of the three boys had ever had experience in Poly relationships, let alone relationships and engagements in general. It was definitely a trial and error, but they tried their best and loved each other regardless. 

But fights started to break out. Then sweet love started to turn sour, and tears were shed. 

Quackity didn't know what happened. He didn't know why everything suddenly went downhill, but for some reason he was right on the other side of it, always seeming to be fighting his fiancé. 

Karl was just so... different now. It was like he was a whole new person. Quackity never expected Karl, sweet, bubbly little Karl, one of the most sweetest and giggly person he knew, to lash out. To accuse him of murder. 

"Sapnap... I don't know who that is except that he's the one who killed me." 

"You murder!" 

"You killed me!" 

Those words circled in Quackity's head constantly. Murderer, murderer, murderer. That's all he heard nowadays. 

Was it all for nothing? Did it ever mean anything? Did he ever mean anything? Probably not, since it was so easily shattered like glass. Something that meant so much, so goddamn much to Quackity, was broken; Done. Broken in a matter of seconds. 

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