Burning Pile- Sapnap Angst

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Art Credit: SAD-ist 

Burning Pile- Sapnap Angst

AU: Canon AU, kind of my C!AU? 

Yk me I love that  angst  💅✨

Written by: Waffle (me) :] 

Implied Karlnapity pog

TW: Crying, cursing, intru$ive thoughts, ar$on/fire, implied Pyromania 


The heat of the embers burned into his skin, the fire crackling proudly through the now burning forest. 

Usually, when he committed some arson in a forest, George would scold him, because according to him, "Life should be valued, not destroyed" or whatever the fuck that meant. It was honestly funny to hear George speak so formally, though. George sometimes would use formal attire in his words, and Sapnap and Dream would always notice when sometimes George didn't. They both knew it was a habit from Georges... old life, but it was always somewhat amusing while also being pretty damn sad. 

Either way, it was annoying. 

You see, Sapnap and George had very... different opinions on what was "acceptable destruction". 

Sapnap liked to burn life while George like to make life. Their powers were quite different, Sapnap being a baby literally born from fire and being a Blaze for heaven's sake, and George being some plant-growing prince guy who could quite literally grow whatever the fuck he wanted (well, not anything, since he was still learning how to use his power, but it was still pretty fucking overpowered as it is). 

Once, Sapnap ad George got into a petty argument, and Sapnap burned Georges's flower bed he'd been tending to for about a week. He will never forget the pure shock and look of silly betrayal in his eyes as George stared down at the ashes of flowers. 

The flowers did not die in vain, though, for Sapnap did eventually apologize to George after receiving a black eye and what felt like millions of little thorn cuts, not to mention how overprotective Dream got when George ran to complain to him and demanded Sapnap apologized. Fucking simp. 

Although, today wasn't a normal day. No, this wasn't like all the other times with his two best friends, his team

This time he was alone. No one to scold him, no one to stop him. Maybe it was a good thing. It sounded like one. He could do whatever the hell he wanted without George lecturing him or Dream scolding him every time he and George fought. 

But, hell, he missed it. 

God, he missed it so much. 

He missed his team, his best friends, his family

He really had lost everything, hadn't he? 

How? He didn't know. Everything just... started down spiraling. It happened so fast; the wars, the fights, the death... 

He remembered Dream promising them both that it would work. 

"Just trust me, okay? I get this sounds bad, but we are just trying to contain them; bring down the silly idea of rebellion. It's to protect the server. You both understand that, right?" 

He remembered both him and George nodding hesitantly. He remembered the lump in his throat that he tried to swallow down as they prepared for a "confrontation", as Dream stated. Something about it felt wrong, but he listened to Dream nonetheless, and he didn't know why. 

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