"⟟ ⌰⍜⎐⟒ ⊬⍜⎍!"--C!Beeduo Family fluff

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Art Credits: Bruh I can never find the og creator *le cri*

"⟟ ⌰⍜⎐⟒ ⊬⍜⎍!"--C!Beeduo Family Fluff 

AU: Canon/DSMP Lore AU 

This is a cute Beeduo headcanon :] A lot of people know this headcanon but I love it <333

This has C!Beeduo ship! 

I AM NOT SHIPPING IRL PEOPLE. Both Ranboo and Tubbo have confirmed that they did canonically fall in love (Their characters fell in love). Again, I am NOT shipping IRL people, only the characters. 

Written By: Waffle (me) :] 

TW: None(?) 


It was a normal day. 

Micheal was happily playing with his chicken in his room. They were trying to play tea party but Chicken didn't seem to know how to hold the cup, no matter how many times Micheal taught him. 

Tubbo was out doing something, and Ranboo was in his room. Micheal wondered when Daddy would get back and what he was doing. Papa usually said it was "big important things" but Micheal never really understood was that meant. 

Suddenly, a loud crash came around outside Micheal's room. Instinctively, Micheal scurried under his little drawing table and waited for his Papa to come and get him. 

Tubbo and Ranboo had taught Micheal this anytime there could be possible danger near the house. Micheal didn't really understand at first, but as time went by, Micheal started understanding what exactly "danger" was. 

Micheal waited and waited, but Ranboo never came. 

"Just wait until either me or Papa come to get you, okay?" Micheal remembered Tubbo saying to him. He didn't want to disobey his dad, but Papa still wasn't coming to his room. 

What if Papa was in danger too? What would Micheal do then? 

More noises came from outside his room. Scurrying of feet. Sounds of paper crumpling. A... grass block sound? 

Micheal carefully crawled out from under the table, cautiously leaving his room. The noises seem to be coming from... Papa's room? 

Oh no, what if Papa really was in danger? 

Well, if he was, Micheal would protect him. Micheal is big and strong, he can protect Papa. Micheal nodded to himself, reaching for the door handle that was for some reason high up for Micheal's reach. 

Micheal got ahold of the handle and cracked the door open, just barely enough for him to peek through. 

Immediately, Micheal could see papers scattered all across the room. Open books lay sprawled out on the floor. In one corner, pieces of shattered glass lay there. That's where the noise came from. 

Ranboo was pacing around the room, grabbing papers and throwing them on the floor to join the other discarded papers. His pawed feet stomped all over the room, knocking more things over as his tailed swept across different surfaces. 

Ranboo then turned around, giving Micheal a clear view of his face. He looked like Ranboo, yet so different at the same time. His eyes were so.. empty. Blank. Like they had no life in them. His eyes were just an empty, purple void ready to swallow any kind of emotion up. 

It sent shivers down Micheal's spine. 

Ranboo looked so.. scary. 

Micheal then realized Ranboo was heading his way, and Micheal quickly scurried away into his room, still peeking at Ranboo, who was now exiting the trashed room. 

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