Chapter 3 : The Request

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Hi, here again for a new chap ! Honestly, I just wanted to write it, you might think it's a filler but soon, I will do a real chap. Now let's get into it !

Chapter 3 : THE REQUEST

"Leader, where are you ?"

'I'm right here, Machi, just listen to me !'

"You ! Bastard chain user ! What did you do to our leader !"

'Machi, Nobunaga… Can't they hear me ?'

"I didn't do anything. Now let us, before I feel the need to kill all of you damn spiders."

'Don't ! Stay with them, don't go running alone in the wild !'

"If we learn you lied to us…"

"Let's go, Nobu."

'No !'

"-ro, Kuro !"

Kuroro straightened to look at Senritsu, who was eying him with worry. He brushed it off with a smile.

"I was lost in my mind, if you'll excuse me… So, who are those two men ?"

He gestured toward Kurapika and Bashō, who he knew well in fact, as he stood up to greet them. Bashō hastily came to take his hand while Kurapika stayed back.

"You can call me Bashō, I am one of this association's bodyguards. And there is Kurapika, he's the leader here."

Kurapika merely nodded, and Kuroro smiled politely. With a glance in Senritsu's direction, he guessed something was going on.

"And you are ?"

"Oh, right. My name is Kuro, I came here to ask you a favor but…" he trailed off. "I feel like Senritsu wants to talk to you in private before we come to business."

He hid a laugh at the betrayed look Kurapika was sending this way. Senritsu seemed grateful to the contrary.

"Right. Thank you, Kuro. Bashō, I will need you there for a second before you go and let Kuro explain his request to you."

She waited for Kuroro to get out of the room – and to hide behind a wall in progressive zetsu. Only then knowing he was still there, she questioned :

"What do you think you can hide from me, Kurapika ?"

"Why would I even try to do something so stupid ?" Kurapika scoffed.

"Why would you, as you say, since for once I have proofs ?"

"You never have proofs."

"Oh, I do, as would agree Bashō's heart melody of guilt and liar caught." She waited to see a sign of his surrender, then congedied the other man who passed before Kuroro without seeing him. "Now Kurapika, tell me what's wrong," she asked him. She knew not to force him, he would only close in more.

"I-... It's not like you want to know, Senritsu. As colleagues, we-..."

"You are my friend. ...Can't I try to help you ?"

It sounded like a plea to Kuroro's ear. For a long time he saw them interact, and Senritsu had come to give orders to Kurapika, unwillingly.


"Don't you trust me ?"

Even Kuroro cringed at that. 'What a vicious method,' he thought, not sure if he loved it. So Senritsu hadn't just gone back to the old useless methods after all.

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