2. Accident

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-Her love shines over my horizon,
she's a slice of heaven-


I see a few familiar faces and a few new ones as well. Little kids zoom past me on their bikes.

"I swear to fucking god if they crash into me I will push them off their bikes and laugh at them" I mumbled.

I position myself at the top of the quarter pipe and adjust my footing so I won't fall off. I check to make sure no one else is going before dropping in and maneuvering my way to the rail. I ollie onto it and grind along the top before dropping back down to the ground.

I push myself towards the stairs and as I reach them I ollie to get as much air as I could. I quickly grab the deck of my board before letting go as I start descending. My landing wasn't perfect and I wobbled around a bit. I put out my arms to balance myself. Once I was steady again I grabbed my board and walked over to the bowl. It was about a 3-metre drop (around 9.8 feet). I looked down a little nervously. Sure I had done it before but I know if I fell off, it would hurt like a bitch.

I walked away from the edge a bit and watched other skaters do their thing. I suddenly saw a group of eshays walking towards the park and I rolled my eyes. (I'm pretty sure eshays are the NZ/Aussie version of British roadmen) They all had some kind of jacket on despite it being 25 degrees. They each had a small bag hung around their shoulder and one of them was carrying a speaker playing the shittiest rap music known to mankind. They all looked around 12-15

"Fucking idiots," I said under my breath.

They began walking to the bowl and I just prayed that they weren't going to talk to me. They sat at a nearby bench and started vaping. The shitty music was starting to get on my nerves and I could tell other people were getting annoyed by it as well.

"Oi girl" I heard one of them shout.

I paid no attention to them and kept watching the other skaters.

"Girl we're talking to you" Another one shouted.

I looked in their direction to see them looking right back at me. Fucking perfect.

"Can you actually ride a skateboard?" The tallest one asked.

"Well, yea," I said as if they were stupid.

"Bet you can't, you're just looking at the guys," One of the younger looking ones said.

The rest of them laughed and I scoffed.

"Yeah ok," I said.

"Go on then go down the bowl" another challenged.

"And why would I do that," I said, getting annoyed.

"See told yous, she can't ride one" The tallest said. (For those of you who may not know yous is just a shortened version of you guys)

At that point, I was getting pissed off and I wanted to prove them wrong. I walked towards the edge of the bowl and rested my board on the coping.

I saw out of the corner of my eye the boys watching with interest. I smirked to myself and leaned forwards without looking for anyone.

That was a big mistake as there happened to be someone else in the bowl. I saw him and I knew I wouldn't be able to slow down. He hadn't seen me yet so I had to do something.

"Watch out" I shouted.

I quickly jumped off the board but with the amount of momentum I had I ended up running into the poor boy and knocking him right off his board. He fell backwards and I fell onto the smooth concrete and slid a bit before slowly peeling myself off the ground. My whole body was aching but my first priority was making sure the other boy was ok. I ran over to him and he stood up looking a little shocked.

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