8. Deer In Headlights

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-If you don't know already I'm all in
You got me hook line and sinker
Every little thing will fall in to place-


"Hey cutie, what are you doing out late at night?" one of the boys asked.

I stayed silent trying to avoid any further confrontation with them.

"Don't ignore him, what are you doing out here?" Another boy said.

I could hear them coming closer and closer. I started panicking internally. Not knowing what to do I tried walking faster.

I felt something touch my shoulder and suddenly I was spun around.

"Answer the fucking question," One of the boys said.

"I- I was just walking," I said, not wanting them to know I was going home.

"Why don't you come over to our place and you can rest a little while?" The shortest one offered.

I knew very well what they were trying to do. I took a step back and shook my head.

"No it's fine, I should get going now," I said shakily.

The tallest one grabbed my arm with one hand and grabbed my ass with his other.

"You could stay with us" and we could have a little fun," Said the person who grabbed me.

The stench of weed filled my nose as soon as he got closer.

"I've got to go" I trembled.

His hand that was on my arm trailed down my body and onto my ass, pulling me closer.

"Come on, I know you want to," The short one said.

Suddenly I felt a disgusting pair of lips on mine. Shocked, I raised my knee and kneed him right in the balls.

He immediately doubled over in pain. His other friends quickly reacted to the situation and came dangerously close to me.

I quickly turned around and started sprinting back towards the park. Tears blurred my vision. I could hear two extra pairs of feet gaining speed. I ran faster than I think I've ever run before. Soon I was back at the park. I run into an area with no lamps and prayed that they would lose me in the dark.

I could hear them talking and I could slightly see their silhouettes. Tears stained my cheeks and my breathing was all over the show. Not only from the running but also the amount of fear I was feeling.

What if they found me? What if they hurt me?

I held my breath in case they could hear me. After about 5 minutes they finally left. I found a nearby tree and sat under it.

I kept replaying what happened in my head. I should have stopped it before it happened.

I didn't want to go back home. I couldn't risk running into them again. My mind raced with ideas until I came to the conclusion that going to Nikora's would be the best. We're going out together tomorrow anyways.

I texted him to tell him I was coming and he replied straight away. I lifted myself off the ground and made my way to his place. It was about a 10-minute walk. I didn't run into any more trouble but I was still shaking from the previous encounter.

I knocked on the door and Niko opened it. He noticed my expression and the faded streaks of tears on my cheeks and quickly brought me inside.

He went up to his room and he brought me some water.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked.

"There were these people and they came up to me and-"

My breathing was quickening. Niko took my hand and held it, rubbing circles on the top of my palm.

"Take your time," He said, calming me down.

I took a deep breath and tried again.

"I went to the skatepark with Tommy and then it was getting dark so we decided to leave. We went opposite ways and I turned a corner and there were a group of boys. They saw me and came up to me. One of them touched me and-"

Niko didn't let me finish. Instead, he engulfed me in one of his rare warm hugs. Niko wasn't an affectionate person and wasn't really one for physical touch. But he could tell I needed comfort. We sat in the same position for 2 minutes before he backed away.

His top was slightly damp from my tears.

"So you were hanging out with Tommy" He smirked.

I was so thankful for the subject change.

"Yea we went to the skatepark and I was teaching him how to skate." I laughed remembering earlier.

"He seems like someone that wouldn't be able to stay on the board" Niko chuckled.

"And you would be exactly right. It took fucking ages for him to be able to ride on the flat" I replied.

We kept talking for what seemed like hours. I started feeling tired so Niko set up the spare mattress and we both fell asleep reasonably quick.


792 words

Guys, I'm in such a good mood and felt really motivated to write this chapter even though it's kind of short. Remember you are all loved and I appreciate you all. DON'T FORGET TO EAT, DRINK, TAKE YOUR MEDS AND GET A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. YOU DESERVE IT. <3

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