10. Cabins

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-You say that we could never work
Telling me that we come from different worlds
You don't even like the way I operate-

One week time skip

It had just been announced that all the year 12's are going on school camp in 2 months. It's a week-long camp and it is on the second to last week of school.

No one in Algebra is focused and the teacher is too tired to do anything about it. Everyone is buzzing with excitement and me and Tommy are just as excited. Normally I wouldn't be so excited about camp because of some past experiences but we get to choose our cabins, groups and the things we are going to be able to do are way better than what we've been offered on previous camps.

Although it is 2 months away Tommy and I are already planning on what we wanted to do.

"There's a lake, surely we sneak out and go swimming after lights out," I suggest.

Tommy agrees and we keep chatting about things we could do.

The period flies by and after what feels like 10 minutes the bell rings and we're rushing out of the classroom and going out to lunch.

I beeline to the canteen and get in line. Tommy stands next to me, fishing coins out of his pocket. We get to the front of the line fairly quickly and I get a mince pie and a Cookie Time cookie. Tommy gets a muffin and a bagel and we quickly leave to go find Niko.

He sitting in our normal spot on his phone waiting for us.

"Finally, took you long enough," He said looking up from his phone.

"Shut up we didn't even take that long," I replied.

I opened the pie packet and took a bite. Steam floated out of the pie and my mouth started burning.

"You stupid bitch" Niko laughed.

I swallowed the pie and set it down to cool.

"So, camp" I started. "Obviously we're gonna be in a group but we need 7 other people"

"Yeah I don't wanna be stuck with randos," Niko said. "I'm pretty friendly with some of the boys on the basketball team maybe I could ask some of them?" Niko suggested.

I smirked at him.

"No shut up," He said quickly.

"I mean it's better than being stuck with a bunch of druggies or something," Tommy said.

"Blake and Oli are in my next class I can talk to them about it," Niko said.

We all nodded our heads in agreement and continued on with our lunch.

"I'm surprised they're letting girls in the same cabins as boys" Tommy pointed out.

"Same oi, in year 9 I was stuck in a cabin with some of the bitchy girls and one of them invited her boyfriend into the cabin one night and when she was caught she got sent home." I laughed remembering the incident. "It was a bit over the top but it made the last few days more bearable"

The boys laughed along with me.

" I remember that Emma chick got caught vaping in the toilets and one of the teachers smashed her vape in front of everyone" Niko recalled.

Tommy looked shocked when he heard that.

"That's not even the worst of it one of the teachers got caught in the same bed as one of the parent helpers. The teacher was fired and I don't think I've seen the poor boys whose mum it was since." I said.

The rest of the lunch was spent reminiscing about previous camps Tommy added in some interesting stories of his own.

The bell rang and we all made our way back to our classes.

"Don't forget to ask them Niko" I said, before going in the direction of my own class.

Niko pov

I opened the door to my social studies class and saw Blake and Oli sitting in our usual seats. I walked over to my seat and greeted them.

I thought about how I was going to bring up the topic of camp until Blake started talking.

"Do you know who's gonna be in your cabin?" He asked.

"My friends Y/n and Tommy are with me but that's it at the moment what about you's?" I asked

I saw Oliver subtly nudge Blake but I ignored it.

"Eh half the basketball team are going together with their girlfriends the rest of us decided to go together but we're still short a few," Blake said.

"You's should come in our cabin, the boys won't care, they know you," Oliver said.

I smiled internally and agreed to their offer.

"Boys in the back focus" The teacher snapped.

We quietened our talking down to a whisper and I quickly sent a text to Y/n saying that we have a full cabin.

Y/n pov

I looked at the message and smiled. I didn't know the boys very well, I sort of knew Blake, but as long as Niko knew them I was fine with it.

I showed the message to Tommy.

"From what I've heard from Niko the basketball boys are really nice he's got classes with a few of them and he always goes to their games," I say.

"Miss L/n because you are talking that must mean you have finished the task, would you like to present your findings," My English teacher said in the most annoying voice she could muster.

"No Miss, I was actually helping Tommy with his research because he got a little confused" I lied.

Miss Georgia glared at me and looked back to her laptop.

These next two months better go quickly.


904 words

Heyyyy. So let's just ignore the fact that I haven't uploaded for like three weeks. The past three weeks weren't the best but I'm feeling a bit better. And don't forget I love and appreciate all of you. REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR MEDS, EAT, DRINK AND GET A GOOD NIGHT'S REST. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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