4. Timetable

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-I've got that feeling
You feel it too (feel it too)
It's not easy if we try
Sometimes love we can't deny -

--Time Skip To Monday--

I woke up to my annoying ass alarm. I rolled over and turned it off and stared at the ceiling contemplating life before slowly getting out of bed. My knees felt a little better but there was a big bruise on my hip.

I went downstairs and saw mum left a note on the bench.

I was called into work early, have a good day <3

I smiled at the note and took notice of the mess that was left by the door. A jacket was thrown on the ground and the shoes were all over the place. Dad must've come back pretty late.

I went to the cupboard and poured myself a bowl of Milo cereal (Literally the best cereal ever).

Once I finished my breakfast and went back upstairs and put on my ugly, annoying, uncomfortable uniform. God, I hated it. The blouse was translucent and if you looked closely you could see all the girls' bras and if it rained or it was a hot day and you were sweaty, you were screwed. The skirt was way too long so I had to roll it up like 3 times for it to be at a comfortable length. The tie strangled you and what do the boys get to wear? A comfortable NON-SEE-THROUGH shirt and comfortable shorts. It was so unfair (Yes this is me ranting about how shitty the uniforms are)

I did the rest of my morning routine, grabbed my bag and left. The walk only took about 10 minutes and I quite enjoyed it. I put in my Airpods and pressed shuffle. The first song to play was Love Grows by Edison Lighthouse.

I remembered halfway t school that I was supposed to meet Tommy. My mood lifted and I began to walk slightly faster.

I made it to school and I looked around for the blonde boy. There was still around 20 minutes 'till school started so there weren't as many crowds to get lost in. I suddenly saw Tommy looking at a piece of paper looking incredibly confused. I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention.

"Oh hey Y/n," He said a little startled.

"Hey, oh is that your timetable?" I asked.

"Yea but it's so fucking confusing," Tommy said.

"It's ok I was really confused when I first saw it too, this is your classroom," I said pointing to the corner of a box. "And this is the subject code," I said pointing to the thing in the middle of the box.

"We have 5 periods, one hour each, and before the interval, we have something called Whanau group and I think it's similar to like homeroom or something in America I don't know, but you just sit in a class for like 20 minutes and do whatever" I explained.

I looked at Tommy you look slightly confused.

"I promise it will get easier but it looks like we have Algebra, Digital Tech, English, and Whanau together," I said. "You also have Biology with my friend Niko. He's pretty nice but a little sarcastic, he's also in our Whanau group"

I suddenly felt a sharp poke on the side of my stomach. I jumped a little in fright and turned around to see Niko.

"Speak of the devil," I said. "Tommy this is Niko, Niko this is Tommy" I introduced.

Tommy gave a shy smile.

"Kia Ora bro" Niko greeted. (Hello)

"You have Biology with Tommy," I said.

Nikora nodded and we stood and talked for a bit before the bell rung.

"Tommy we have Digital first on the other side of the school, see you later Niko" I waved.

"Sorry if that was a little overwhelming, I just want to make sure you don't get lost or confused or anything," I said.

"Nah it's fine, I'm just glad I know someone" Tommy laughed.

We reached the building and walked through the hall to find our class. I sat in my seat and Tommy sat to the left of me. The grumpy teacher walked in and I groaned.

We were told to continue with our programming but because I was nearly finished so I decided to help Tommy get started.

--Time Skip cos I have no clue what you do in Digital--

Tommy had Social Studies next and I had P.E. I changed into some comfortable sportswear and made my way to the field. Today we were doing laps around the field. I only chose this class for the caving trip at the end of the year so now I have to go through immense amounts of torture.

--Time Skip--

I entered the changing rooms a sweaty mess. My face would have been beet red. I changed back into my uniform and walked to my Whanau class. There I saw Niko and Tommy talking.

"Hey guys," I said, still trying to catch my breath.

"Woah looks like someone regrets picking P.E" Niko joked.

"I will make you regret being friends with me," I said.

Nikora jokingly put his hands up in surrender. The teacher finally let us into the classroom and we sat right at the back of the class. We got to know Tommy and Tommy got to know us a little better. I learnt that Tommy had two dogs and he played Minecraft.

"We need to play together, all three of us," I said.

"That would be cool," Niko said.

Out of nowhere, the bell rang and we were let out for interval. Tommy came with us and we sat up on the bank in the shade.

--Time Skip to back at home because I'm sick of writing about school--

I fell onto my bed absolutely exhausted from the day. I just wanted to drop out, but nooo my parents say that I have real potential and they are forcing me to finish high school. I got off my bed and went to my desk. I got out my math books and started on the overdue Algebra homework that I was absolutely hammered about when I told the teacher I didn't do it.

About 2 questions into the homework I got a discord call. I picked it up and saw Tommy's profile picture.

"Umm sorry if I'm bothering you but do you mind helping a bit with the homework, I fucking suck at Algebra," Tommy asked sheepishly.

"Tommy I'm sorry I have no clue what in the fucks name I'm doing either but you can stay on the call and we can do it together" I suggested.

Tommy agreed and we started on our homework.

About halfway through I was about ready to give up.

"Fuck it, I'm searching up an Algebra calculator," I said frustrated.

" Isn't that cheating?"

"No it's not cheating its just... researching," I said trying to think of the right word.

We ended up finishing the homework in 10 minutes with the help of our 'researching'.

"Hey, do you wanna play Minecraft?"


1145 words

Hello sorry, I was gone for a while, I had a school project I had to work on but I'm back. REMEMBER TO EAT, DRINK, TAKE YOUR MEDS AND GET A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP. YOU SRE LOVED AND APPRECIATED AND I'M PROUD OF YOU <3

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