Chapter 6: A Little Lonely

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The next day, around 5 o'clock pm, almost evening, [Name] Hanatsuki was laying on her bed, resting alone. She slowly opened her eyes, waking up due to the door opening. She glanced at the door. She thought Shu was back from his friend's dojo so she greeted him with a smile.

"Hello Shu, welcome bac-" [Name] greeted but paused after seeing him walked inside the room. It turns out, it was not Shu. It was just another teenage boy.

[Name] was saddened that he was not Shu but continued to smile.

The boy had an angered expression and sat on the bed next to [Name]'s bed. It was quiet between the two of them. To get rid of the awkward atmospheres, [Name] thought it would be great to make more friends. She smiled at the thought.

She cleared her throat and turned her head towards the boy. "Hello, what are your injuries?" She asked politely.

"Don't talk to me! It's none of your business!" The boy yelled.

[Name]'s flowery eyes widen at his loud angered voice. It startled her. She looked down at her blanket, thinking.

'Maybe I shouldn't ask what their injuries and illnesses are. Asking their names first is better.' She thought.

Despite being sacred, she shakily spoke. "U-Uh, what is your na-"

The teenager turned to her, pissed off. "Just shut up! Take the hint! I didn't come here to socialize! I don't even wanna be here, so leave me alone, damn!"

[Name]'s eyes widen and her lips parted, shocked and very startled at his outburst. "S-Sorry...!" She squeaked out.

[Name] mentally sighed and decided to just rest until he left. She fell asleep. An hour later, 6 o'clock pm, she slowly woke up again to see the boy gone. She let out a sigh of relief and carefully sat up. All she could do was stare out the window.

Her doctors came in with their clipboards and wrote new information about [Name]'s health. [Name] acknowledged their work and thanked them as they wrote new records.

"Pardon me for interrupting, what are cat cafes like? I-I've always wanted to-" [Name]'s words goes unheard when the doctor's chattering gets louder. "N-Nevermind..." She muttered sadly. After the small check up, the doctors walked out of the room.

When the group of doctors left, [Name] was left bored, staring off outside into the sunset with light navy blue sky and the mixtures of orange.

After a while, the nurses came in with a cart of food. [Name]'s dinner was served. It was just tasteless soup. She thanked for the food and as the nurse was about to leave, [Name] asked politely if the nurse could stay with her a little more. The nurse said no, explaining that she had to eat and talk with the other nurses.

[Name] nodded, understanding, as the nurse left with the cart. She sadly ate her food, alone.

When [Name] was finished eating, she was bored so her carefully got down with her IV pole for support and walked around the room. She kept walking in circles. She smiled at how better she gotten last time.

That is, until she let go of her IV pole and fell to her legs with her right arm, supporting her. She let go of the pole to challenge herself but it seems she is still far away from succeeding.

[Name]'s eyes widen again and she breathed heavily on the floor. Her tears starting to form out of her eyes, making her vision blurry.

"I...I don't like this..." [Name] whimpered. She continued to sob out quietly, defeated, tears falling on the white floor, "Why won't...anyone stay with me...?" She asked no one with small voice cracks.

"I'll stay with you, [Name]."

"H-Huh...?" [Name] looked back over her right shoulder to see Shu, standing near the doorway, with tears flowing down her cheeks.

Shu walked over to her bed and placed down his bag on her side table, then walked to [Name], crouching down to held out his left hand to help her stand.

"We are friends after all." Shu said with a straight face.

[Name] looked at his hand, then to his crimson eyes, and to his hand, which she took. Shu helped her sit on her bed. He picked up the IV pole for her and rolled it next to her.

Shu sat across the bed next to [Name]. He stared at her expression. [Name] furrowed her eyebrows and had tears in her eyes. It seems like she wants to cry.

He stared at her blankly. He sighed and shuffled around his bag, looking a for a bento box. Shu already knew why [Name] was crying. Not because of her falling, but only because she was lonely.

"Hey, [Name]." Shu called which made [Name] look in his direction. He placed his carbonara on her bed tray. [Name]'s eyes glossed under her tears. Shu took out utensils and a cloth.

With the cloth, he wiped her falling tears on her cheek and near her eyes. [Name] was caught off guard since she was still staring into the luscious carbonara. "Sorry, I-I was daydreaming."

"No problem." Shu sat on the doctor's rolling chair and fed her with the fork.

As expected of [Name], she continued to praise his cooking again.

"Woaaah, it tastes so good."

"I know, [Name]."


[Author Notes/Announcements/Facts]:

• This (very small) chapter was mostly about how [Name] felt like in the hospital, before she met Shu.

- At the end of the day, [Name] would weep in her bed about being lonely.

• I have so many scenarios in my head, I'm so excited but I can't rush the story.

• I hate small chapters whenever I write. I'll try to write longer chapters later.

• 978 words.


Thank you for reading!

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