Chapter 7: Clothes

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[Name] was laying on her bed, watching TV, switching commercials. When she came across an clothing advertisements, her eyes sparkled. There were many fashion styles, such as Kogal, a Mori girl, Kimonos, Lolita fashion, and more. She had seen patients with fashionable clothing.

She felt insecure that she was probably the only patient in the hospital that had no clothes. Her parents did not buy clothes for her at all. It was pointless because she was bedridden so the doctors provided her a pink hospital gown.

Shu knocked on the door before coming in. His friends were training back at Xhaka's dojo. He declined coming with them.

[Name] usually welcomes him back everyday since they first met, but this time, he did not receive a greeting.

"Hey [Name], how are you?" He asked as he set his bag on the second bed. No reply from [Name].

Shu looked over his left shoulder, to see that she was watching the TV. His eyes glanced over to the TV screen, showing beautiful outfits for girls. He then observed [Name], seeing her eyes shined and her gripping the end of her hospital dress.

The fashion ads was over. [Name] turned her head to Shu, like a doll and became shocked when he saw him standing next to her. "Wah! Sh-Shu, you're here."

"Yeah, I'm here. Are you interested in the outfits you were watching?"

[Name]'s cheeks became lightly pink. She cover mouth and cheeks with the back of her hand. "Uh...Mhm..." She nodded, flustered.

Shu gently smiled. "The BeyMall may have the clothes you're looking for. Let's check there."

[Name] turned confused. She tilted her head to the side. "Eh? You know I cannot go anywhere, unfortunately."

"Of course. I can carry you on my back if you can't walk much."

[Name]'s cheeks slightly becomes pink again but shook her head, "N...No, that's unnecessary. It'll be troublesome too."

"It won't be. Should we go tomorrow?"

She thought about it more. "Hmm, but the doctors, what if they won't let me go out?"

Shu sighed, facing down, "[Name], you can't stay here forever," He sternly said. "You should be allowed to go outside every once in a while."

"If I do that, I...I could faint. I'm too...weak."

"Then if you ever want to go out, then tell me, and I'll go with you, to support you." He faced up at her, "So? How about it?"

[Name] faced down, thinking through again. She looked up and nodded with a grateful smile.

"Okay. Let's go to the BeyMall tomorrow."

The next day, Shu arrived in her room. When he walked in, [Name] was nowhere to be found. Only a doctor was sitting on the chair, doing paperwork.

"Oh Shu, if you're looking for [Name], she's in the bathroom." The doctor said. He gathered his work and left.

Shu patiently sat on a bed, waiting for her. [Name] walked in with a sakura hairpin on the left side of head, perfectly fixed in place. She wore a white tabi with a pair of zōri.

"H-Hi Shu," She greeted, "I'm ready."

He smiled at her. "Alright, let's go." He crouched down to carry [Name] on his back.

[Name] gave him a pitiful expression, feeling bad for making him carry her along the way. Nevertheless, she got on his back. Shu stood up and lifts up her thighs to make her secure so she wouldn't fall back. He was surprised at how light she had been. He guessed the doctors didn't feed anything nutritious to her.

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